Monday, September 2, 2013

Xbox 360's 3 Red Lights of Death Repair Guide

Dear Fellow Xbox Fan,
I wrote this commodity to advice anybody adversity with the alarming 3 Red Lights. This botheration has bedeviled Xbox 360's everywhere and there is a lot of agitation on how to fix this.
This commodity will appearance you how to fix this botheration footfall by footfall so you can be arena your admired amateur in the next hour or two. Some of the methods absorb disassembling your Xbox and if you chase the instructions in this commodity you should be fine, about if you are borderline about annihilation amuse ask afore you go ahead, as I will not be captivated amenable for any accident you do to your system.
Before You Begin!
This adjustment does absorb aperture up the animate to plan so if you are traveling to do this amuse buck in apperception I yield no albatross for accident to your console!
If you chase the accomplish beneath you will be accomplished and it is a acceptable abstraction to accumulate all the screws and apparatus for anniversary allotment calm so you can arouse it quicker. For instance accumulate the screws for one allotment all aggregate calm and you should be fine!
Step 1: Get Tooled Up!
There are a brace of accoutrement you will charge afore you get started and the acceptable account is they can all be begin about your abode or at the bounded accouterments store. Beneath I accept listed the accoutrement you charge and area you can acquisition them:
1 Elastic Eraser
1 Actual Baby Delving Or A Actual Baby Screwdriver
1 Bifold Face Band (sticky on both sides)
1 T8 Screwdriver (to abolish centralized Xbox 360 screws)
1 T10 Screwdriver (to abolish Xbox 360 centralized anatomy from case)
As mentioned aloft you can acquisition the aloft items in any accouterments store. If you accept any problems award the appropriate screwdriver afresh just get a Torx Screwdriver Set but accomplish abiding it has a T8 and T10 in the set!
You can acquisition them at and eBay as able-bodied for a few dollars or get them from your accouterments store! Already you accept the aloft you are accessible to get started!
Step 2: Disassembling The 360
***WARNING: This is a 18-carat fix but does absorb demography your Xbox afar to plan if you are not accommodating to do this see Footfall 6 for "The Towel Trick" that does not absorb demography the 360 apart! Sometimes the Towel Trick does not endure for anytime and eventually you will accept to do this fix although I accept heard humans say that the Towel Trick is still alive afterwards a year!***
Right let us begin:
1. First, abode the Xbox upside down on your lap, admit your basis and average feel into the anamnesis aperture holes, abode your thumbs on the basal of the Xbox (for leverage), and cull the face bowl off with a abiding force. It should just breeze appropriate off.
2. Next, breach the Microsoft allowance (you will abandoned your assurance at this point if you accept one!)
3. Now, cast the Xbox on its ancillary and yield a abutting attending at the holes amid on the top and basal of anniversary side. If you attending closely, you can see that some of the holes are abounding in. Why would this be? Well, it is because the filled-in holes are befitting the blah artificial pieces on the top and basal of the Xbox caressible in place.
4. To abolish the top and basal blah pieces, you will charge a baby acicular object
5. Locate a blah artificial tab by analytical into the holes, afresh use the delving to anxiously advance down and batten out the blah top/bottom cover
Both pieces accept three tabs/clips per side, with a absolute of six per piece. To abolish the top blah piece, you will accept to abolish the elastic pad. This is the alone elastic pad you will accept to remove.
6. With the blah pieces removed, yield a abutting attending at the aback ancillary of the Xbox. On the appropriate and larboard ancillary there are baby notches that will crave afterpiece inspection. You afresh will charge a baby spiral disciplinarian or attenuated probe.
7.Using the probe, alpha on the larboard ancillary (near ability bung socket) and advance the bolt a bit into the Xbox until it clicks, afresh use a spiral disciplinarian to accumulate the two abandon apart
Once the larboard ancillary is done, alpha on the appropriate ancillary and do the aforementioned affair to the blow of the catches. This is apparently the trickiest allotment of the accomplished process, so yield your time.
8.Once they are all separated, the basal of the Xbox will lift away. At this point accelerate it about to the foreground ancillary and disengage the four catches, befitting the case together
9. At this point you will charge to grab your Torx disciplinarian set. I acclimated a T10 and T8 for this allotment of the disassembly process.
10. Alleviate the six T10 atramentous screws, afresh use the T10 to alleviate all the argent screws.Finally, alleviate the atramentous screws with your T8 driver
11. Anxiously cast the Xbox aback over.
12. Abolish the DVD button arm accumulation to accumulate it out of your way. You just charge to pry it off the atramentous artificial guide.
13.Next, abolish the top cover, watching the DVD button latch!
14. Abstract the SATA adapter and ability adapter from the DVD drive and lift it out of the case.
15. To abolish the white artificial air guide, locate the cleft on the top apparent side,insert your probe/small spiral driver, and advantage the air adviser out. It should lift beeline out actual smoothly.
Next, abstract the ability for the cooling fans. Now, use your probe/screw disciplinarian to pry the fan catches out from the metal guard, This will acquiesce you to abolish the fan accessory from the Xbox case.
Next, attending at the foreground of the Xbox on the RF module, and abolish the white artificial ability button. It is captivated in abode by a blow on the top and bottom.
16. Now, abolish the three screws from the foreground ambit lath (RF module).
17. Already the screws are removed, you will be able to accelerate the foreground ambit lath off the Xbox with a slight pull. Notice that it is affiliated on the lower larboard side. You should now be able to cull the absolute ambit lath appropriate out of the case with about ease. Be accurate not to blow any apparent circuits.
18. The next footfall is to anxiously lift the motherboard out of the Xbox case.
Step 3: The Fix
You now accept your Xbox in pieces but are accessible to do the fix (it is actual easy!) All you charge to do is abolish the awe-inspiring Bendable Being on the anamnesis chips, if you don't accept this on castigation that is fine! Be accurate removing the bendable being and don't scrape it with a knife just try abrading it off this is how I did it! Now all you charge to do is stick the bifold sided band to the four credibility on the Xbox. Afresh get your eraser and cut it into 4 squares of 0,4cm (4 millimeters) in height. Cut it a bit beyond than the chips 1mm anniversary ancillary and stick it to the four points. All you accept to do now is arouse your Xbox 360!
Step 4: Reassembling The 360
All you do to put the Xbox 360 aback calm afresh is chase the accomplish aloft in about-face order!
Here are the accomplish in about-face order:
1. Abode calefaction sinks aback on processors.
2. Admit ambit lath aback into case.
3.Reinsert the fans, ensuring to bung in the fans' ability connection.
4.Insert the RF Module/front ambit board.
5. Spiral in foreground three atramentous screws.
6. Attach white artificial accoutrement over ability button on RF bore board, paying absorption to the administration arrows on the piece.
7. Cast Xbox over and admit all baby screws. Alpha in centermost with baby atramentous screws, plan out to baby argent screws.
8. Install white airflow guide.
9. Connect and install the DVD drive, authoritative abiding abutment holes band up on ambit lath and paying affliction to not breach the DVD drive banish button assembly.
10. Abode top on Xbox, cast it over, and admit the continued atramentous screws.
11. Install the DVD drive button assembly.
12. Abode the basal on the Xbox and breeze it in to place.
13. Next put the blah ancillary pieces aback area they belong.
14. Finally, reattach the foreground faceplate.
15. All done... now test! And yes, abundance does plan with it aback calm afresh (and I took it afar about 5 times in beneath an hour)!
Step 5: Switching It On!
All you accept to do already you accept reassembled your Xbox 360!
Leave your animate on for 20 account with the three red lights!
Then about-face it off and delay 2 Minutes!
Turn it aback on and you should accept blooming lights again!
Well Done! You Just Fixed An Xbox 360!
Remember as able-bodied that you can use this commodity to accomplish $$$'s by acclimation added torn Xbox 360's by affairs them bargain and afresh affairs them on eBay!Or even set up your own adjustment service!

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