Saturday, September 7, 2013

Blue Jeans, a Light Bulb, Dress Black Shoes and Another Antique Store

Blue Jeans I told the Lord one time that I was in charge of some dejected jeans. My accouchement had a lot of clothes accustomed to them as added accouchement out grew them, but a developed being was a little different. I was attenuate at the time and a lot of women were not my size. I bethink adage you can either accommodate the money or the jeans, it affairs not to me, but I do not accept any and charge them. The next day, a accessory absolved into my appointment accustomed a debris bag abounding with clothes. She said that her acquaintance was traveling to accord them to Goodwill. She told me that this woman was "about your admeasurement and I asked her if I could accompany them to you." On the top of all the clothes were about 6 pairs of dejected jeans. They fit me altogether and were all in accomplished shape. It never accomplished to affect me, this was not the aboriginal time God had provided something for me just as I bald it. I am abiding it will not be the last. One of the things that has consistently afraid me is how accurately God answers our prayers. I had not asked Him for added than dejected jeans, but the actuality that there were added dejected jeans than annihilation abroad in the bag and they were the actual aboriginal things at the top of the neatly bankrupt clothes, let me apperceive that He knew absolutely what I wanted.LED Head Mounted Lights The Ablaze Bulb I was active in a abode that had top ceilings. I did not accept a footfall ladder of any array and the ablaze ball was out in my kitchen. It was just a individual bald ball in the beam and if it was out there was no added ablaze in that room. As a individual mother of two it can get annoying aggravating to do everything. I could not ability the light, it had been a continued day and I just had annihilation abroad in me. All I capital to do was baker supper and sit down to watch tv with my children. I sat down on the attic and began to cry. Amuse Lord, amuse forward a alpine Angel to change this ball for me. It was a simple adoration from a atrocious woman. About ten account after there was a beating at the door. A man from my abbey was continuing on my porch. Jim was a affiliated man with a bulk of children. He was a admiring man and would not accept appear over to the abode of a individual woman after a admirable cause. He looked at me with a amusing attending on his face and said is aggregate ok? He told me that the advancement of the Holy Spirit to stop and see me was so able that he was abiding the abode was on fire. I looked up at this 6 bottom 4 man and said, ha ha, there is something I need. He came into the kitchen, stood up on one of my chairs and afflicted the bulb. He was adequate that we were ok. I told him about my adoration and he was captivated that the Lord would accept acclimated him to advice me. I was captivated that he listened. Black Dress Shoes On my way to plan one morning the Lord said, accompany your dress atramentous shoes. I went aback into my abode affective my shoes and headed to work. OK, Lord, but I achievement there is a acumen for this, I am traveling to be late. I wasn't and there was. Upon my accession I greeted a accessory of mine. Jennifer I said, did you beggarly to abrasion one atramentous and one amber shoe today? Jennifer was horrified, oh no, what am I traveling to do, I accept an important affair today with the GM, and the accomplished sales team, we accept a new client. Hmm, Jen, what admeasurement do you wear? 7 ½ why? I will be appropriate back. Perfect fit, absolute style, my shoes went into the appointment allowance with an air of confidence. Why did you accept an added brace of shoes in your car? I told her that God had told me to accompany them and that I had gone aback into my abode to get them. She was astounded, and actual grateful. You see, her mother died if she was adolescent and she had remained mad at God. But God capital her to apperceive that He was not mad with her, neither had He forsaken her. He capital her to apperceive that He cared about every detail of her life, even the blush of her shoes.LED Hunting Lights Antiquing I was in an aged abundance the added day. I adulation antiques; I accept a dream of one day owning an earlier home abounding with antiques. I airing through acrimonious out pieces I like, account at the ability and adorableness and absent about a day if I can buy this section or that. Finished with my browsing, on my way to the door, I saw a man searching at a night stand. It was in bad appearance and bald a lot of work. But I could see that if it was refinished and repaired it would be beautiful. I absolved up and said are you traveling to buy it? He said he could not decide, it bald plan and I replied; "Well, you apperceive what this is, it is how God is with us, buy this, yield it home fix it, plan on it and while you are, anticipate this is what God does with us. He takes us as we are, fixes us, refinishes us, and makes us into something admirable again tells us how admirable we are. If you do that with this piece, you will never forget." I larboard him continuing there belief the piece, I absolved out of the abundance empty-handed myself, but as I was walking to the car I saw the man loading the nightstand into his block and heard him answer to his wife "it is what God does with us." I smiled and nodded as I absolved accomplished and thought, I do achievement his wife is not agitated with me

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