Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Lights Work But is the Wiring Safe? Or How Do You Know They've Improved the Taste of Dog Food?

How do you apperceive the electrical plan you just had done was done correctly? Because the lights work? Because the bowl aperture works? Not true! Anyone with a spiral disciplinarian and a wire stripper can install a bank atrium or a ablaze about-face and a light! Anyone can stick a wire in a bank and affix it to reside ability and acquaint you it's finished. If it works, it accept to be done right. Right? Not necessarily. I accept spent a lifetime acclimation or replacing the cheaper guy's electrical installations. I've consistently capital to see that van alive down the alley with a assurance that reads "Cheap, Non Licensed, Crappy Guy Electric" in big adventurous belletrist on the side! And beneath that, "Non Licensed, Non Affirmed & Never Insured". And it would be duke painted! And afterwards you address him a check, you accept to accord him a jump start! But hey, you got a acceptable deal, right? Well, did you? How do you know? What constitutes poor workmanship? Sloppy base comes to mind. If my affairs are exposed, say for example, in a garage, I basic them aloft the joists or down the studs after any twists in them and accumulate them as beeline as possible. This is not necessary, but the way I see it, this is an archetype of my work, in apparent sight. If anyone sees my work, I ambition them to be impressed. This is alleged "Pride in Your Work". If the aforementioned base is traveling to be covered with drywall or some added bank board, I still accumulate the affairs beeline and neat, but a few twists actuality and there don't amount so much. It doesn't affect the superior of the accession or the breeze of electricity. Another archetype (and this is a pet annoyance of mine), receptacles that accept no ancillary abortion screws. The cheap, bargain ones. The alone way to affix this blazon of bowl is by afraid the affairs in holes in the aback of the receptacle. And 99 times out of 100, if the electrician or handyman (unlicensed contractor) uses this blazon of receptacle, he aswell does not braid his affairs calm aboriginal and appendage off the braid with one advance wire to the device. He uses the holes in the aback of the bowl as a agency to braid the affairs through to the next outlet. This is alleged "Speed Wire" and has been acclimated on every new home, accommodation and townhouse aback I began my apprenticeship in 1971. This adjustment of application the accessory holes to abide the ambit wire to the next aperture box is my amount one could cause for account and adjustment calls. I was accomplished by my ancestor to physically braid all the hot affairs calm and all the aloof affairs calm aboriginal by agee them. Then, off the askance splice, add a advance wire about 8" continued (pigtail) and affix it to the SCREWS on the ancillary of the added big-ticket switches and receptacles. By accomplishing it this way, the bowl can be removed from the wires, but because the affairs are spliced together, the ambit still continues to the end of the line. If the acceleration wire holes are acclimated as a splicing means, removing the bowl opens the absolute circuit. Everything aloft that point is after ability and all the lights and plugs go out! And that's why I get so abounding calls. It alone takes ONE wire in ONE acceleration wire aperture to become apart causing the blow of the ability to go out throughout the house!LED Head Lights Do you anytime go up into your attic / clamber amplitude aloft the beam and attending at what the electrician did up there? Do you anytime go beneath the abode into the bedraggled clamber amplitude and see what he did down there? I do. Whenever I forward my advisers up there or down there to do any wiring, I go and analysis the work. If the affairs are not stapled and accurate to the joists, someone's in big trouble. Especially beneath a house. Electrical affairs cannot be laid on the ground. They accept to be stapled to the attic joists. I am afraid by how abounding electricians do not bother. Did you apperceive that any electrical affairs 120 volts or higher, that are to be alive in the ground, accept to be alive at atomic 18" deep? Did you apperceive that to coffin an electrical wire, it has to be a actual specific blazon of cable? Did you apperceive that by burying PVC aqueduct instead of "direct bury" wire you can alter the wire whenever you ambition by affairs the old wire out of the PVC conduit? Did you apperceive that electrical conduit, which is acclimated primarily on the exoteric of a structure, or beneath the ground, with no added way of accepting a wire under, over or through the walls from point A to point B, can be angled no added than 360 degrees absolute bends? If added than 360 degrees of aeroembolism are required, afresh a alliance box accept to be installed. Then, you can activate afresh up to 360 degrees of bends. I accept apparent conduits with six 90 amount bends, a 45 and a few added baby aeroembolism in 10 anxiety of conduit. The guy had to accept run the wire in the beeline aqueduct aboriginal and afresh angled it. A wire will not go through a aqueduct that is angled added than a abounding circle. Did you apperceive that an electrical aperture box, no amount what the purpose, cannot be covered over? Every individual electrical aperture box has to abide accessible. If there is anytime to be an electrical problem, it will be in the aperture box that was dry-walled over and cipher remembers area it was located. Did you apperceive that calm electrical wire, alleged Romex, cannot be installed beneath 7 anxiety unless it is to be covered by wallboard, or has been put central a careful conduit? I see apparent Romex wire generally alive through closets or book shelves and cabinets. This aphorism applies alone to alive areas. Did you apperceive that if you had your beat box upgraded to 200 amps, and the electrician larboard the old sub-panel alive central that closet, that your electrical arrangement is still alone bound to the admeasurement of that old console in the closet? Did you apperceive that? The easy, slam-dunk beat upgrades absorb putting the new beat / console box alfresco and hooking it to the ability lines. Then, the old augment wire traveling aback to that old agglutinate box or age-old breaker console is placed on a ambit breaker in the new panel, usually 30 or 40 amps, and artlessly re-feeds the old agglutinate box. You now accept 170 bare amps (in a way of searching at it) outside. I annihilate that old closet console and extend the old circuits in it out to the new box. It defeats the purpose of the beat advancement if you don't.Hunting Lights Hats To the boilerplate homeowner, if the lights are on, the electrical plan accept to be ok. Unfortunately, just because your lights are on, you cannot be abiding that your home is appropriately active or safe. Once afresh I ask the question: How do we apperceive they've bigger the aftertaste of dog food? How do you apperceive your base was done appropriately and meets electrical and assurance codes? This commodity includes a few tips you as the homeowner can use to appraise the superior of the electrical plan in your home. You should consistently be abiding that the being alive in your home is accurately licensed, insured and bonded. Even that is not consistently abundant information. It is consistently a acceptable abstraction to analysis references as well.

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