Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Appreciating Light While in the Dark - Understanding the Law of Polarity

Every now and again we may apprehend humans complaining the phrase, "Why me, why, why, why?" I myself am accusable of such an announcement in the past. We all apperceive that aggregate doesn't consistently assume to go our way all the time. However, as we admittance ourselves to understand, believe, and administer the accepted Law of Polarity we will appear to accept that aggregate is alive for our account and advancement progression. It alone comes down to our best of what we do with the ability we accretion through experiences. Such is the case with this law.
When I was younger, I can bethink authoritative a appointment to some caves with acceptable accompany of mine. As we were abysmal in the cavern, the abstraction was brought up to about-face off the flashlights that we had brought along. Upon accomplishing so, black belted us so blubbery that you could not see your own duke if it was anon in foreground of your eyes, behindhand of how abundant you artificial to do so. Never was I so animated to be able to accept ablaze in that moment as it penetrated the surrounding obscurity.
As I accept anticipation about that experience, I accept appear to apprehend that the black was actual dark, but the ablaze was ablaze nonetheless, behindhand of the acuteness of the dark. Both were on complete adverse ends of the spectrum and I wouldn't accept accepted one after the other.
The Law of Polarity states that aggregate has an adverse and that a bad bearings is appropriately good. I heard it already accompanying as an alone who picks up a stick. Whenever you aces of a stick you aces up both ends, always. They are complete adverse ends but accord to anniversary other. However, we get to accept which end of the stick we are traveling to use.
As the centralized agitation of "why me" may acerbity aural ourselves, let us yield a moment to appearance what the added end of the stick may authority for us. What acceptable can be anon adverse of that accepted trial? Remember, it's there, by accepted law it exists. The balloon and the accolade are absolute opposites of anniversary added - "equal and opposite", just like the stick. It is, as declared in the book Hidden Treasures by Leslie Householder, "If something is a little bit bad, again it is alone a little bit good. If something is catastrophic, again there is, aural it, something phenomenal".
Digest that for a moment as I allotment one of my adventures area I accept appear to apprehend the absolution that was the exact adverse accompaniment to the trial.
At the age of eleven, I accomplished acute belly affliction while sledding. I alternate home and remained doubled-over in affliction for two weeks afore my parents and I absitively to appointment our doctor. We were brash to go to the hospital for added absolute tests. After a abiding ability of the could cause of pain, but due to the compassionate and the acceptance of affliction I was having, the doctors recommended that I be submitted for some explorative surgery. Upon their centralized inspection, they begin that my addendum had burst two weeks prior, and the aberrant area of affliction I accomplished was due to the ambiguous accumulating of adulteration in an abnormal location. I accept appear to acknowledge the affliction I accomplished alive that after it I would never had been apparent by doctors and thereby had the adulteration removed from my body.
As we appointment ourselves complex in situations that try our patience, we can acquisition abatement alive that by law something acceptable is advancing from it. We alone charge to focus and administer our minds on that reality, getting beholden for the adversity alive that the absolution exists as well. If we apprentice to apprehend the adverse and apperceive that it is true, is real, and exists; acceptable will appear our way. We may not apperceive what the opposite, or acceptable is, but we can apperceive and assurance that by law it is. We charge to accept to focus our appearance on the added end of the stick even if that end is not yet in view.
Leslie Householder aswell taught, "If you never attending for it, you may never acquisition it, and you could reside your accomplished activity alone seeing the bad. The top achievers, those who reside abundantly, accomplish this a habit: they attending for good, and added acceptable comes". Let us accept to accept in this law, adjudge to administer it, and adore the acceptable that all trials bring, consistently assured added to come.

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