Friday, September 27, 2013

On Aliens and the Book of Light

This commodity summarizes the contemporary agreeable of the thirty-two Nostradamus prophecies that were accepted in abstruse circles as the Paths of Wisdom, and for cross-reference to the basal prophecies the Nostradamus numbers will aswell be noted. Years of analysis unwinding the cryptic writings of medieval mystics acknowledge that these thirty-two prophecies stood a allotment of one hundred prophecies that formed the Book of Light, and the abstraction of extracting thirty-two of them as Paths of Wisdom came from a book accepted as the Book of Creation.
The medieval mystics had aberrant ordinations for the Paths and it ambiguous that any of them mirror their adjustment of actualization in the Book of Light. This commodity will accordingly present the Paths in their adjustment of actualization aural Nostradamus' appear book. Internally, the prophecies point to antecedent by a angle (that's the actual word) who was able of time travel, and in the aboriginal abstract of this commodity the byword "the alien" was present in anniversary description. This has now been afflicted to "the Prophet" so that bodies who ambition to abjure that these prophecies were accepted in medieval times may now abide to accept that Nostradamus acclimated his analytic admiral to address them.
The Paths of Wisdom were accounting in elementary code, acute alone one adaptation key (for the accustomed dates). The Prophet aswell active classical anapestic accessories and a array of cerebral alteration techniques whereby readers abort to admit the assurance of the thirty-two Paths.
Path of Wisdom #1 [I-53] The apocalypse of the Andeans beneath Spanish rule, 1571. The Prophet expresses affliction for the bearing of his Andean accompany at the easily of the Spanish in the 16th century. He refers to the achievement of biased laws and to affected activity in the new mines of gold and silver.
Path of Wisdom #2 [I-62] The adventure of The Book of Light in the easily of Nostradamus, 1566. The Prophet expresses affliction over the afire of his aboriginal work, and he complains that to the actual prophecies there was added a abundant flood of apocryphal prophecies.
Path of Wisdom #3 [I-81] The adventure of the ample arrows. The Prophet provides data of a brilliant arrow and insinuates that this, calm with a all-embracing arrow, will point to the galactic coordinates of his home planet.
Path of Wisdom #4 [II-99] The apocalypse of Russia, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Adolf Hitler, 1812, 1942. The Prophet refers to Russia, to the advance of Napoleon in 1812, and to the advance of Hitler in 1942. He attributes the defeat of the Napoleonic and Nazi armies to algid of winter.
Path of Wisdom #5 [III-57] The apocalypse of Ireland beneath British rule, 1689-1979. The Prophet refers to the efforts of the Irish to chargeless their island of English control, accoutrement the aeon from James II in 1689 up until contest of the year 1979. He aswell refers to Afghanistan and Poland.
Path of Wisdom #6 [III-77] The apocalypse of the abatement of the Shah of Iran, 1979. The Prophet refers to the abatement of the Shah of Iran in 1979 and his escape to Egypt. He aswell refers to the Pope John Paul II, to the Soviet aggression of Afghanistan, and to the New York City.
Path of Wisdom #7 [IV-89] The abstruse history of the Glorious Revolution of England, 1689. The Prophet informs us that there were thirty conspirators in the Glorious Revolution of 1689. He aswell refers to the Falkland Islands War of 1982 and to the use of American satellites in that war.
Path of Wisdom #8 [V-35] The apocalypse of the Falkland Islands War, 1982. The Prophet actuality speaks alone of the war amid Argentina and Abundant Britain for the Falkland Islands in 1982. He refers to the islands by their Spanish name, and to Puerto Argentino by its English name.
Path of Wisdom #9 [V-81] The apocalypse of the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1945. The Prophet refers to the diminutive explosions over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, acquainted that this resulted in a accelerated end to the Additional Apple War.
Path of Wisdom #10 [V-92] The apocalypse of six popes of the Catholic Church, 1922-1978. The Prophet creates a spinning cantankerous to accredit to six popes: Pius XI, Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, and John Paul II. He adds that the last-named, John Paul II, was not in acquiescence with the Russians.
Path of Wisdom #11 [VI-2] The apocalypse of the admeasurement of diminutive bombs, 1945-1964. The Prophet alludes to the alpha of the aureate age of Tiwanaku, to the alpha of the abstruse age, and to the alpha of the nuclear age. He refers to nuclear explosions in the atmosphere by 5 nations.
Path of Wisdom #12 [VI-5] The adventure of Andean Sky God during the Ice Age. The Prophet insinuates that his aboriginal appointment to Earth occurred during the Ice Age and he refers to boundless ache a allotment of the bodies in those days. The Prophet aswell informs us that he resided in amplitude at a ambit of one hundred leagues aloft the Earth.
Path of Wisdom #13 [VI-11] The abstruse history of the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers, 1963, 1968. The Prophet refers to the Kennedy ancestors of the United States and its three brothers, abacus that the two earlier brothers will be assassinated by conspirators.
Path of Wisdom #14 [VI-37] The abstruse history of the assassination of Admiral John F. Kennedy, 1963. The Prophet refers to the annihilation of U.S. admiral John F. Kennedy, in Dallas, Texas, 1963, and he indicates that Kennedy's vice-president, Lyndon Baines Johnson, was abaft the murder.
Path of Wisdom #15 [VI-49] The abstruse history of the attempted assassination of John Paul II, 1981. The Prophet refers to the abundant Polish Pontiff, John Paul II, and to the advance to annihilate him at Vatican City in 1981. He indicates that the Russians paid to the Bulgarians added than 100,000 rubles to assassinate the Pope.
Path of Wisdom #16 [VI-54] The apocalypse of the Arabs and North Africa, 1859, 1982. The Prophet refers to the French invasions of North Africa in the 19th aeon and to the efforts of Baron of Morocco to action them. Via a time bound from one abiding lunar concealment to anther, he carries the history of the Arabs to Lebanon, 1982.
Path of Wisdom #17 [VI-95] The abstruse history of Edward M. Kennedy and Vietnam, 1969. The Prophet insinuates that U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy was innocent in commendations to the tragedy of Chappaquiddick in 1969. He aswell allotment to the activity of John F. Kennedy and implies that the admiral was assassinated because of his action to the war in Vietnam.
Path of Wisdom #18 [VI-100] The barbarians and the final adventure of Henry II of France, 1559. The Prophet provides a abrupt addition to his prophetic work. This arrangement in the aboriginal Latin, however, is not a Path. Actual alone in bits is an abstruse Path of Wisdom wherein the Prophet refers to the atrocious afterlife of Baron Henry II of France in 1559.
Path of Wisdom #19 [VIII-13] The abstruse history of the annihilation of emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, 1821. The Prophet refers to the collapse of the army of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1813 and to his afterlife on the island St. Helena in 1821, abacus that Napoleon was murdered by adulteration placed in a drink.
Path of Wisdom #20 [VIII-71] The apocalypse of the astronomers Johannes Kepler and William Herschel, 1571, 1781. The Prophet refers to the bearing of astronomer Johannes Kepler in 1571 and to the analysis of the planet Uranus by astronomer William Herschel in 1781. He aswell refers to the conception of the Congregation of the Inquisition in 1571 and to the accusation of his prophecies in 1781.
Path of Wisdom #21 [VIII-76] The adventure of the alpha of the Book of Light, 580. The Prophet refers to the blood-soaked authority of Penda, agnostic baron of Mercia, now allotment of England, abacus that the time of the bearing of this baron almost corresponds to the time of his accession on Earth.
Path of Wisdom #22 [IX-31] The apocalypse of the Israeli-Palestinian War, Lebanon, 1982, The Prophet refers to the Israeli battery of the western bisected of Beirut in 1982. He aswell refers to a agitator advance in Jerusalem above-mentioned to the admission of that war.
Path of Wisdom #23 [IX-49] The apocalypse of the beheading of Charles I of England, 1649. The Prophet refers to Baron Charles I of England, bedevilled to afterlife by the parliamentarians in 1649. He aswell refers to the Falkland Islands War amid Abundant Britain and Argentina in 1982.
Path of Wisdom #24 [IX-65] The apocalypse of lunar landing, 1969. The Prophet refers to our accomplishment of extensive the Moon in 1969. He aswell refers to American admiral Richard M. Nixon and the Watergate aspersion that came a few years later.
Path of Wisdom #25 [X-25] The abstruse history of the analysis of Australia, 1605. The Prophet indicates that Australia was apparent by a Spanish sailor and not by a Dutch sailor as frequently believed. He aswell refers to an bearding Spaniard in the Andes and to a specific abode in Peru.
Path of Wisdom #26 [X-56] The apocalypse of the attempted annihilation of Ronald Reagan, 1981. The Prophet provides added advice on the assassination advance adjoin Pope John Paul II (May, 1981), again refers to the alliance of Prince Charles and Diana Spencer in London (June, 1981) and to the assassination advance adjoin admiral Ronald Wilson Reagan.(March, 1981).
Path of Wisdom #27 [X-76] The apocalypse of Richard M. Nixon and the Watergate scandal, 1974. The Prophet expands his advantage of American admiral Richard M. Nixon and his problems with Congress over the Watergate scandal. In particular, the Prophet refers to the alluring tapes that led to Nixon's atrophy in 1974.
Path of Wisdom #28 [X-79] The abstruse history of the assassination of Martin Luther King, 1968. The Prophet refers to the assassination of Martin Luther Baron in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1968. He aswell mentions the accoutrements industry and implies that King, like JFK, was murdered because of his action to the Vietnam War.
Path of Wisdom #29 [X-81] The abstruse history of the abundant abundance of the Andes. The Prophet refers to a abundance that the Andeans hid central a temple, implying that this abundance was a allowance that he had accustomed to the Andeans.
Path of Wisdom #30 [X-86] The apocalypse of the Persian Gulf War, 1991. The Prophet refers to the Persian Gulf War of 1991 and the abundant affiliation of armament led by the United States and Abundant Britain. He aswell credibility to the Iraqi absolutist Saddam Hussein as the specific ambition of that war.
Path of Wisdom #31 [X-91] The apocalypse of the end of the chains in Russia, 1861. The Prophet refers to the end of chains in Russia (early 1861), and to the alpha of the Civilian War in the United States (early 1861) to put an end to bullwork in that country. He identifies civilian war and bullwork as the affliction evils anytime in animal society.
Path of Wisdom #32 [X-100] The apocalypse of the abundant British Empire, 1588-1982. The Prophet refers to the British Authority that covered abounding locations of the apple for added than three centuries. He attributes this authority to England's ascendancy of the seas and alludes to the use of argosy ability in the Falkland Islands War.
Nostradamus' book contains eleven added prophecies that appear from the Book of Light, with capacity alignment from angle character to September 11. Ten of these, in 5 pairs of two, accord to a additional set of Sephirot of Nothingness. The eleventh apocalypse clearly belongs to neither the Paths nor the Sephirot and may accept been a last-minute backup for the abstruse Path.

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