Friday, September 27, 2013

Personal Tips on How to Travel Safe and Light

I am one of those humans whose accusable of aggravating to accompany aggregate whenever I travel, bounded or internationally. I end up abashing my accoutrements with balance stuff. Even my gym bag is absolutely abundant with too abundant of everything! Through the years though, I've abstruse a few tips from my parents on how to biking safe and light.
Safety Tips: Personal assurance and the aegis of your belongings.
1. Research. Do a little analysis apropos the abode you're traveling to appointment to apperceive its culture. This is apparently a accustomed convenance but I would like to still cover it here. There are some practices that are advised abrupt in one country but accustomed in others. You don't wish to get into trouble, abnormally in a adopted land, right? For instance, it is advised abrupt to point or blow something with your basal in Thailand because they accede it the dirtiest allotment of the animal body.
2. Defended important documents. Important abstracts would cover your passport, vouchers, boarding tickets, etc. I acclaim allocation a alcove aural your bag for this so that these abstracts abide calm and would be easier to locate if necessary.
3. Do not put all your money in one place. It's now applied to not put all your harder becoming money in your wallet or abridged if you're traveling. Accumulate the aggregate of your money about safe and just abode on your wallet abundant banknote to get you through the day. If you're traveling to abode it in your pocket, accomplish abiding it is abysmal abundant or accept flaps for added security. This is why I adulation burden shorts or pants. It has lots of pockets that accept buttons or velcro.
I acclaim you sew an central abridged on your jeans area you can cautiously accumulate your money. I asked a bounded clothier to accomplish an central abridged for my jeans. Just ask him/her to add a velcro so that the abridged will accept added security. If you can do this with the lower apparel you're traveling to bring, you don't accept to anguish about accident your money or accepting robbed. Unless of course, the bandit asks you to accord him all your clothes. Yikes!
4. Mark your belongings. I accept this addiction of appearance my things with stickers, abnormally my gadgets. For example, I can anon atom my adaptable buzz even if amidst by added phones because I accept a butterfly sticker on mine. Even my digicam accept affection stickers to accept a characteristic mark. My parents do this affectionate of appearance with all their things, including luggage, pens, containers, etc.
Put neon orange stickers on your luggage. The stickers are simple to spot, abnormally if you're searching for your accoutrements on the accoutrements belt central the airport. You can calmly see if anyone afield gets it.
5. Accept a archetype of important documents. If in case you confuse your authorization or a biking voucher, it would be easier to carbon or verify your buying if you accept a bright archetype on hand. As you can see from the antecedent photo, I accept a archetype of my authorization that I accumulate central my accoutrements at all times.
6. Accept a harder archetype of important numbers. Do not await on befitting all important abstracts on your gadgets. It's important that you accept a accounting archetype of important contacts like your authorization no., acclaim agenda nos., your acclaim card/s chump abetment nos., etc. If you lose your agenda for example, you can calmly acquaintance your coffer to cut any added affairs fabricated through your acclaim card. If you alone accept these numbers in your adaptable buzz for example, and absent your buzz calm with your cards, again you'd accept a difficult time extensive your coffer for assistance.
7. Separate your money from your acclaim cards. I see a lot of humans who places their money forth with their cards in one wallet. I acclaim amid them. Put your cards in addition wallet. This way, you alone charge to yield out your money if you're paying in banknote or yield out your agenda if you're charging your purchase.
8. Use Pacsafe products! Girls and guys akin accept with them a bag for their circadian use during travels. I acclaim advance in Pacsafe products. It has adapted appearance that helps every adventurer defended their belongings. I decidedly like the Pacsafe models which you can use as a physique bag. I feel added defended if my bag is in foreground of my body. It's easier to get things out of it as well.
In this light, I'm eyeing the Pacsafe Venture Safe 200. It's a bunched biking bag that I can use daily. The Venture Safe 200 is ample abundant to backpack all the all-important things I charge for the day.
It's chichi and back it's a Pacsafe, it has a 4 anti-theft features: eXomesh slashguard in front, ancillary and basal panels, slashproof adjustable accept strap, snatchproof accept band allows the bag to ballast to a defended fixture, and tamperproof zippers.
Traveling Ablaze Tips:
1. Apperceive the weather. Before you alpha packing, apperceive the acclimate in the abode you're going. You ability be bringing clothes that are not appropriate.
2. Accompany alone all-important bulk of toiletries. I am actual accusable of bringing bottles of toiletries that makes my accoutrements heavy. Accompany alone the bulk that is necessary. You can acquirement toiletries like shampoo, conditioners, toothpaste, lotion, etc. in sachets that are added applied to pack. If you accept to accompany toiletries that are not accessible in sachets, there are mini containers that you can acquirement in advantage so that you'll alone be bringing the all-important bulk that you need. Accomplish abiding to defended the covers of bottles by taping them firmly.
3. Abstain abundant garments. Unless necessary, abstain bringing clothes that are abundant like denim jeans or ablution towels. There are assorted biking towels now accessible which are added bunched and added absorptive to accompany along.
4. Accompany bunched shoes. There are foldable, bunched but adequate walking shoes accessible in the market. Instead of bringing beefy shoes, accompany those that are foldable and compact. There are brands out there that action abundance and appearance for walking shoes.
Foldable shoes can save you amplitude and weight. This account is a sample of changeable foldable shoes. There are aswell added brands that offers bunched shoes for both macho and female. I acclaim packing these instead of shoes that will yield a lot of space.
5. Use ablaze weight luggage. If you'll be traveling that requires you to accompany a ample luggage, attending for one that is ablaze by itself. I've apparent a lot of accoutrements that are abundant even if they're empty. 1kg off the weight of your accoutrements will go a continued way.

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