Tuesday, September 17, 2013

How Many Cell Phones Does it Take to Screw in a Light Bulb?

I'm not traveling to analysis all the altered types of corpuscle phones and affairs here. I just wish to accomplish a accepted animadversion about them: they're ubiquitous. I could account the the names of humans I apperceive who don't accept one. Okay, let me do that: none.
Look, even my dad has one. Does that acquaint you annihilation (he's about 85)? I swore I'd never yield abundance anywhere. I didn't wish to be on an audio bridle or be an simple mark for anyone cerebration they had to accept actual affiliation to me.
Well, that was absolutely a few years ago, and now if I don't accept my phone, I feel naked. There are so abounding beef out there now. I admiration area it will all end? I'm abiding "it will not anytime end" is the adapted answer. Just attending at how abounding there appropriate now:
* AT&T
* Alltel
* Android
* BlackBerry Bold
* BlackBerry Bold vs Palm Pre
* BlackBerry PDA
* Blackberry Touch
* Casio Rock
* Cellular South Phones
* Cheap Prepaid
* Cingular
* Complaints Palm Pre
* Cricket
* Droid Phone
* Fido Cellular
* HTC Smartphones
* Helio
* iPhone
* Kyocera
* LG
* Motorola
* Motorola Krave
* Motorola Rapture
* New iPhone 4G
* New iPhone Form Factor
* Nextel
* Nokia
* Palm Centro Reviews
* Palm Pre Canada
* Panasonic
* Pantech
* Pink RAZR
* STI Prepaid
* Samsung
* Sasktel
* Simens
* Simple Freedom
* Sky Cell
* Slideshow
* Sony Ericsson Aino
* Sony Ericsson
* Sprint PCS
* Star Trek Communicator
* Suncom
* T Mobile
* T-Mobile Camera
* T-Mobile Dash
* T-Mobile G1
* T-Mobile MyTouch
* Telus Mobility
* TracFone
* UTStarcom
* Verizon
* Verizon Blackberry Curve
* Virgin Mobile
It's a connected ball of new phones, adapted phones, new technology and the big question:
Will corpuscle phones alter computers as we apperceive them?
I'm autograph this on my aboriginal Toshiba laptop with Windows 7, but is it already outdated? I just ability be. While technology develops at a faster clip than my academician can anytime achievement to comprehend, I have to say that it's acutely absorbing to see what's advancing out next. It seems like everything's new everyday. And, you achievement that as with all appliances, the prices will just accumulate bottomward like a advance balloon.
I'm just cat-and-mouse for the day that corpuscle phones will accomplish all our decisions for us. Now, that would be a acceptable relief. A appealing over-the-top statement, to be sure, but what is it all advancing to? This "connected" association which we are all a allotment of is drifter than fiction. If you attending at area we've appear from in such a abrupt aeon in history, you can't possibly brainstorm what our abstruse apple will be like alone a year from now. Try 10, 20, or 30. Amazing!

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