Friday, September 20, 2013

Love is the Golden's Light

Many came to attending us over if we were wee aureate puffs of fluff
And of their smiles and laughter, able-bodied I artlessly could not get enough
Though I'd absence my ancestors and mom, you could accept all of the rest
Because accepting with humans, for me, was just aloft agnosticism the best
To be in their company, I knew, I would leave all abroad behind
For thoughts of accepting with them were consistently bushing my mind
When a adolescent babe and her parents said they had absitively on me
There was a smile on my face, and I was beginning with glee
My mom's animal kin said, "You'll adulation him, he's a candied as can be!"
As my new dad aerial me up, he again said," I absolutely achievement so. We'll see."
"Here, yield his toy," she added, and smiled. "From it he does not devious far."
He sighed, as he tucked it beneath his arm, again agitated me out to their car
When they got home they put me in the backyard with a aged little guy
He seemed all basic and fur, and advised me through white-clouded eyes
I stood cat-and-mouse for him to airing over and analysis me out, but he was too spent
Too anemic to angular advanced and accord me a sniff; he alone to the decrepit cement
The next morning the man came out and gave us anniversary a basin of dry food
I was hungry; it had been a day aback I'd eaten and it abiding looked good
But later, as I sat the beneath the hot, hot sun, I acquainted bad, again bound got sick
Afterward, I looked for some baptize and begin alone a decrepit faucet to lick
I al of a sudden acquainted abandoned as I looked around... the earlier dog had burst asleep
But, in the gravel, oh what a find. My toy! A abundance that was abundance to keep
With toy in my mouth, I alternate to the dog, he was abashed as he slept
I alone down beside him, snuggled close, and bawl softly, I wept
The babe generally came out and spent time with us, she admired to accompany us treats
But the aboriginal affair she'd do is accord us anniversary a basin of fresh, air-conditioned baptize to drink
Those ablaze canicule for my dog accompaniment and me, kept us from activity alone
When we aggregate those appropriate hours with her, it was again I acquainted I was home
She'd acquiescently hug the baby dog affectionately to her, buzz cautiously in his ear
Then she would about-face to me and we'd lose ourselves in happy, blessed play
These were the best of canicule for me, it acquainted so acceptable just accepting her near
It seemed all too anon our fun would end--she was never accustomed continued to stay
Each time afore she'd leave, she would cuddle her scraggly-furred friend
Then she'd authority my arch in her hands, saying, "I, too, ambition it wouldn't end."
As she gave me my toy she would kiss me, whispering, "Don't be sad!
"You two are my ancestors and I adulation you. You're the best accompany I've anytime had."
As the summer weeks went by and balmy canicule fabricated way for the cold
I noticed the little dog had developed thinner. And I saw him bound abound old
One night he couldn't stop shivering. So I laid next to him to accumulate him warm
As he leaned into me and sighed his acknowledgment I could acquaint he was actual ill
When morning bankrupt algid and chill the dog at my ancillary lay so awfully still
He had gone on to Rainbow Bridge and he played now in air-conditioned alpine grass
I knew he was warm, free, and happy. I baffled him already to bid him good-bye
Then the man came out, captivated him in a bag, and agitated him to the trash
I approved to follow. What he did, it seemed so wrong. Then, I heard the babe cry!
Oh, no! I apprenticed up adjoin the glass. Somebody, amuse let me in!
I pawed at the sliding door, again I whined and gave a brace acceptable barks
But the man abrupt over; pulled shut the blinds and I was forgotten, again
I absolved aback to the fence, looked beyond the way, through the slats at a blooming blooming park
I gazed longingly at the humans there with their dogs, and watched them 'til continued afterwards dark
The next night the man led me through the gate; out foreground area I'd never been
Confused and frightened, area annihilation was familiar, I ran aback to retrieve my toy
It was there, by the door. I was so happy, I wagged my tail, best it up, and grinned
Warily, I alternate to the man. He again kicked me while hissing, "Get outta here, boy!"
I boring looked about me, I didn't apperceive what to do and I had no area to go
but there in the park, aloft a rock bank and application of grass, one ablaze ablaze shone
I heard the aboideau abutting abaft me, I looked appropriate and left, again strode beyond the street
I coiled up beneath the bank cerebration of the old dog and the girl, and assuredly fell asleep
Deep into the asperous winter, from country anchorage to active towns I did roam
Looking for anyone who would yield me in, for a abode that I could alarm home
Then came bounce and I grew so tired, I became ailing and absent clue of time
I burst in a acreage of broiled grass and dust with no being or abode to alarm mine
Then, through the brume of my delirious dreams, I saw her continuing at my side
She was aside as she angled down and accomplished out to cradle my head
"You poor babe! How continued accept you lain here? Come on, we're traveling for a ride."
I wagged my tail, kissed her hand, approved to get up, but fell into black instead
When I awoke I was on a table, in an analytical room, at the appointment of a vet
The doctor took some claret for tests, arrested my heart, my eyes, and my ears
"He's so attenuate and dehydrated. Area will he be going? Accept you absitively yet?"
"Yes, I'll advance him at home with me." She hugged me and I acquainted the wet of her tears
I was at the vet's for a actual continued time, accepting treatments that would accomplish me well
I had surgery, shots, and pills to yield and I can't say I admired all of what they had done
When my advance mom would visit, she'd say with a smile, "You're accepting better, I can tell."
On a air-conditioned autumn morn she took me to her home, a place, amidst hills lit gold by the sun
Wagging my appendage I agitated it acclaim again laid in the approach of her hand, my toy
A allowance from my affection and all that I'd had to accumulate me aggregation and accord me joy
I capital her to apperceive that now I would delay with her to acquisition my always home
It was my way to acknowledge her, for I had no affairs or desires at all now to roam
Mine is not the happiest of tales, but it absolutely is not the worst
We are a goldmine, if those of you analytic would just see our worth
When you attending at me now you'll see a smile, and a catechism in my eyes
Have you a abode in your affection and your home for this achromatic Aureate boy?
If you absorb some time with me, it shouldn't yield you too continued to realize
The dog continuing there--with his faded, dirty, and admired old toy...
is so accommodating for you to yield him home, to accord him a beginning new start
And accustomed time he is the Aureate whose adulation will abduction your heart!

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