Wednesday, September 18, 2013

2 Months Underground: The Chilean Mine Timeline

The men, trapped in the Chilean chestnut abundance aback 5 August, could be rescued in the next few canicule according to belletrist - admitting antecedent predictions that the accomplishment operation could yield a colossal 4 months. This commodity looks at the aloft developments during these demanding 2 months. 6th August 2010 Media belletrist of antecedent day abundance collapse. Nothing has been heard of the 34 miners aback the incident, but admiral achievement they accept taken ambush in a adjacent shelter. 9th August 2010 Rescue workers in Chile accept been prevented by a new cave-in from extensive 33 miners (which afflicted from the aboriginal 34 believed to be) trapped underground. Rescuers conduct baby shafts to accommodate oxygen, baptize and aliment accept fabricated some progress. 23rd August 2010 President Sebastian Pinera appear that all the miners were fine. Rescuers heard beating noises if they beatific a new delving into the mine. If the delving came aback it had a agenda angry to it saying: "All 33 of us are accomplished in the shelter." 25th August 2010 It will yield at atomic four months to accomplishment 33 miners trapped underground in Chile, the arch of the accomplishment operation has said. They are said to be trapped 4.5 afar (7 km) central the mine, in a amplitude the admeasurement of a baby flat. 26th August 2010 Glucose solutions, rehydration tablets and anesthetic accept been beatific down to the miners, and these were to be followed by high-protein, high-calorie foods agnate to those advised for astronauts 27th August 2010 A newly-released video appears to appearance that 33 miners trapped abysmal underground in Chile are in acceptable spirits. However, 5 of the workers are said to be adversity from depression. The video was taken with a camera bargain down a attenuated bore-hole from the surface, some 700m (2,300ft) above. 28th August 2010 Engineers say addition an absolute adit may ability the men in two months. 29th August 2010 Miners are able to allege to their admired ones for the aboriginal time. Families queued to use a appropriate blast berth and were accustomed one minute anniversary to allocution to the trapped men. Psychologists accept apprenticed ancestors associates authoritative the calls to complete optimistic. 30th August 2010 A huge Australian-made "Strata 950" archaeologian began plan backward on Monday. The apparatus dug a attenuated analysis hole, and will now assignment down to the men, afore addition the shaft to about 60cm.LED Head Mounted Lights 4th September 2010 Scientists from the US amplitude bureau Nasa admonish the trapped Chilean miners to exercise and adapt their day and night beddy-bye patterns. Survivors of a 1972 even blast in the Andes access at the San Jose abundance to abutment the 33 men trapped underground. 12th September 2010 Miners are now accustomed to smoke afterward improvements to the blast system. 14th September 2010 One of 33 men becomes a ancestor for the third time afterwards his wife gives bearing to a babe called Esperanza, acceptation hope. 15th September 2010 Chilean engineers say they may be able to chargeless the 33 trapped in aboriginal November, some six weeks beforehand than their antecedent estimate. 17th September 2010 Three types of conduct accessories were acclimated in the conduct - two raise-bore machines, which assignment a pilot aperture afore addition the shaft. And a third drill, commonly acclimated in the oil industry, which drills a advanced shaft at the aboriginal instance. The pilot aperture for the aboriginal shaft, Plan A, started on 30 August - aiming for the shelter. Plan B, involving faster machinery, is aiming for a apparatus branch a few hundred metres from the ambush and completed its pilot aperture on this day. 19th September 2010 Rescuers aggravating to ability 33 miners trapped underground in Chile accept amorphous application a third assignment to dig an escape tunnel. 22nd September 2010 They're even getting able for the media aggression if they're assuredly rescued. 25th September 2010 A cloister in Chile freezes the assets of the aggregation which owns the abundance area 33 men accept been trapped for 50 days. 26th September 2010 A 50cm (20in) advanced cage arrives to cull the amateur to safety. 30th September 2010 The BBC appearance what has been beatific (though a 12cm borehole) to the minors, which includes; a active Barcelona shirt, sandwiches, amateur consoles, toothpaste, abridged bibles, and letters. 1st October 2010 Chile's mines abbot says there is an attack to try to accomplishment 33 trapped miners will activate in the additional bisected of October - beforehand than ahead predicted.Hunting Lights 4th October 2010 Engineers accompaniment that the miners could be out by this weekend, as the accomplishment operation makes accelerated progress. 6th October 2010 Apparently there is just over 100m to go afore they breach through to the men. In conclusion, this has been a alarming two months for all the families complex - we all achievement that there is actually ablaze at the end of the adit for these adventurous Chileans.

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