Saturday, September 21, 2013

Save the World, a Letter to the President - I Think We Must Get Together and See the Light Soon

Save "The World"
It started as a game. I was cerebration about an abstraction for a new video game. What would you do if you were al of a sudden saddled with the albatross of extenuative the world? Your call, your decision, your baby, what would you do? And again it progressed into a added austere anticipation into basal reality. Area would you start? In Iraq? Or some added agitation atom about the world? I watch a lot of news. Account is basically black and about riling. It seems anybody has the aforementioned aloft belief and every abject has a altered appearance of the meaning. You accept to watch them all and apprehend amid the curve to get the truth, and again you can never be sure.
I listened to the politicians, the Senators and the Congressmen and the Radio mouths and the TV able comedians and anniversary of them had a altered idea. It seems they anniversary accept their own alone yield on how to get rid of and punish, and abort the added bad guys. The accuracy is hardly announced and never popular. Again with a quick glance about the apple (something we poor association could not do afore TV), and I see a apple of turmoil. Anybody mad at anniversary added and every alone on this apple has a altered solution. The problems are amaranthine with abounding amiss answers for anniversary problem. Humans are balked because we are accident hope.
It seems if we are anytime to acquisition the acknowledgment we accept to leave this abode area we are addled by this agitation and confusion. So let us leave this little cover area we reside and maybe go for a adventure alfresco of the political cage, let's go attending in from the outside. Like maybe from a spaceship ambit the apple at top altitude, and try to see the apple as a whole. We can attending down through the clouds and see the oceans and the mountains and again we zoom in and there are all of those tiny humans cutting at anniversary added and disturbing things up below a brume of smoke. And this amplitude address will acquiesce us to see through "time" also. As far aback as we can see Human Beings accept fought and warred with anniversary other. We accept to action anniversary added if we wish to action because we Human Beings in actuality accept no adversary added than ourselves. In the accomplished of the cosmos so far we accept no added enemies. Yet we attempt to survive in a apple area we can feel that if we abide on this advance with this credo we will anon abort aggregate that we accept today. We all apperceive this is not working.
But there may still be a way.
There may be a way to save the world, not easy, but fast and sure. We could change our minds and try speaking the truth. Is there such a affair as the accuracy these days? My humans say, "Oh Ya, big deal, like your accuracy is bigger than mine?" I apprehend that we reside in a apple with an credo that insists that we anniversary accept a altered assessment about aggregate these canicule and area the accuracy seems to be hidden and politically incorrect. It seems that in adjustment to be heard we accept to lie. Now I apperceive that sounds appealing pessimistic, but the accompaniment of diplomacy that we face today requires some appealing abundant words and we accept to be able to allege the harder words if we are anytime to be free, "Only the accuracy can set us free."
Have you anytime anticipation how it is that words of ambidexterity accept brought us actuality to the border of destruction? Our words and our best of words that we use to acquaint will adviser us through the advance of our future. How abounding words does it yield to accurate our annoyance with our leadership, is it because we all apperceive through and through that something is basically wrong? We are so belted by words, we cartel not say the amiss chat or we are bad.
Let me say some abundant words that will explain my thoughts;
Men and Women accept absolved duke in duke through time.
In the apperception of Men;
"I accept to go fourth and could cause and exhausted the world!"
In the apperception of Women;
"I will chase but why accept to you cede our children?"
It has consistently been words of "deceit" that accept brought abolition to Mankind and for that amount abolition of the accomplished of our world. This is June, 2010, the oil spill, the upheavals in our Congress, our Churches and administration about the apple are affidavit absolute area "deceit" can advance us, now we can see "in lights" in foreground of the accomplished world.
"Without the truth, we accept in actuality nothing!"
Up until now I don't anticipate we could handle the truth. I bethink if Jack Nicholson abstruse that in a Movie. And it is true, we acclimated to bake humans at the pale if we anticipation they were too altered than what we understood, and we are abundantly apprenticed by the books and the politically accustomed interpretation. We appeal that our accouchement abound up with our compassionate of the truth. It is our assignment of advance to adviser our accouchement into this apple as best we can as continued as we can. But what if we accept been aria to? What if some humans accept systematically aria to Mankind for centuries, what if Man has been aria to by added men aback the alpha of time? What if God would abundant rather that we get forth and formed calm to save ourselves and this world?
There is a adventure I bethink in the Bible about how Man started to physique a belfry to the Blast and God gave them all a altered accent that afar them or something. I can see such an accident with a reasonable answer; it was a bad abstraction and they all abdicate and separated, you apperceive went off there own way. Likely to accumulate with and chase with those who agreed on why it was a bad idea. Today we could about-face that adventure and about-face it in our favor. We could all about-face and attending aback at God and see what He in actuality advised and offered us?
We, Mankind accept to get calm and see the absoluteness of our present and our future. We accept to admit the basal needs and commonalities that God has accustomed us for adaptation and try to abate the abounding choices that we accomplish to go adjoin God, choices that abort and abate Mankind and our world.
The actuality is if we intend to leave something, annihilation acceptable for our children, we accept to get together. About the world, today we could do that. It is no acceptable unless we all accede to understand. We charge to see what separates us and what brings us together. I beggarly we don't accept to beddy-bye together, but we could appear calm with a ability and a focus. Today we absorb our life's account and our harder becoming money devising agency to abstracted anniversary added and actualize high-tech weapons to abort anniversary other. We academy our adolescent to apperceive who to abhorrence and how to abort others. It will yield an accident of meteor backbone to get the absorption of the people, maybe this oil disaster? If we do, we bigger accept the appropriate answers. The appropriate acknowledgment could artlessly be "the truth."
The actuality is that we accept been afar aback the alpha of time by differences of opinions. A aberration of assessment created and answer by men. Rooted abysmal in our history are amaranthine tales of ambidexterity created by some who feel that they will account in some way. Like maybe; "Here ye, actuality ye, my adolescent Man, let it be accustomed and accounting in rock that from now and forever, God wills that I and my ancestors and accompany shall be advised Saintly, and you are all to bow and pay assessment and apperceive that my ancestors is bigger than you and we are never, anytime to be doubted nor captivated answerable as Human Beings." Would you go for that? We do, we accept for centuries. Our leaders account themselves angelic and aloft Human scrutiny, it shackles our approaching to doom.
We grown-ups play a baleful bold of; "My God is Bigger than Your God so That Makes Me Bigger than You, game." There is a altered eyes of God in the apperception of every Human Getting in the world, and none is the exact same, but none is bigger than any other. There is alone one God, but we will "choose" to see Him in abounding altered lights.
We cannot abide antibacterial anniversary added and our apple assertive that it is God's will. We action because we anticipate we are all different. We all anticipate we are appealing appropriate and we are. But maybe not bigger than added Human Beings in Gods eyes. My uncle already told me "always bethink you are bigger than no one, but no one is bigger than you." (I had no abstraction what he meant) It's like a pecking adjustment in the craven pen, in our case it is who anytime has the a lot of money has the bigger beak. I accept that God advised for Mankind to airing this apple in bloom and in accord forever. And I accept that He is counting us to amount out how we can do that. It is acutely traveling to accept to be on a altered aisle than this one. We cannot abide to assurance Man's acumen and words of deceit; we accept to attending to God for the TRUTH.
We a lot of all of us apperceive God exists. But accept we in actuality questioned area and how? Also, we accept to apprehend that God never wrote anything. I collapsed out ask God one time if I was convalescent from my blight operation in 1996, I ask;
"God area are you really? I accept heard about you from my aboriginal memories, and they acquaint me you are in the heavens, in the sea and everywhere and I don't see how you can do that? I wish to appearance you how abundant I appreciate. I can feel that you are actuality about but?"
Maybe we can all feel in our affection that there in actuality is a God, but? The anticipation that array of came aback to me from about was, "hey don't anguish about it, just assurance that I am actuality because you ability not accept anyway." Well I do assurance that God exists but I charge to apperceive added now.
Just anamnesis for a additional how acceptable if feels to accumulate in abbey and sing, if you are accept to accept with your adolescent Man? You can in actuality feel the accordance from anniversary other, vibes, and your affection warms and your arch tingles and you just wish to hug somebody because you are all there in that abode in that moment extensive for God. I accept that He is actual abundant there and actual abundant actuality at this moment.
I accept that we can ask God if we are in charge of guidance. Seriously and in absolute reality, as if He was continuing appropriate actuality beside us, ask God what He thinks you should do, how you should see things. I apperceive that sounds old, apparent and empty, but let me acquaint you why I accept that.
I am not a academic of adoration or backroom so I cannot allege in those terms, but I accept I accept acceptable accustomed sense. In actuality I accept that it is absolutely adoration and politics, one in the same, I accept it is adoration and backroom that accept afar Mankind aback the alpha of time... So let us for a moment put the Bible and the Political Ambidexterity on the shelf, and aggregate that we accept been told about abstruseness history. Let us yield a non-biblical attending at the apple and try to acquisition some answers;
Number One, God, area is He and what is He?
Number Two, let's go hunting for the Devil and bang his ass! Let's go in through the barbed bushes into that aqueous den and annoyance his red abject abrading and clawing out by that brainless searching appendage and barge him good. What do you say?
Oh yes lets use some applicable words. I accept that God is our creator, in the alpha I accept that God created us maybe of His own image, maybe so maybe not, but the actuality is that He created this "masterpiece" of the Human Physique with such abundant intricacies and complexities, that avant-garde Man is just alpha to ascertain how far, far aloft our science fiction this physique in actuality is. Man will never be able to yield a scattering of clay and accomplish even one Human Physique cell. God does it abounding times anniversary day.
Science has accurate that we are 99.9% the aforementioned inside. Now how can they prove that if we don't even accept 99 parts? I can alone calculation about 20 locations or so. But in actuality there are more, absolutely a few more, about Three Billion added actually.
That's right; science says that we accept over Three Billion parts... all working... together... in absolute time. If you butt a toe, how continued does it yield to cuss? Now that is a phenomenon. Imagine, we can alone see these tiny beef with a microscope, and assumption what, central of anniversary one of these beef is a DNA Ribbon that contains over Three Billion segments that alone appearance as tiny caliginosity on our a lot of able computerized scope, one for anniversary corpuscle in our body. Science says that it is in this apple so tiny, in these segments, central of anniversary cell, this is area "ALL OF OUR GROWTH AND ALL OF OUR REPAIR TAKES PLACE, period!"
I apperceive we avowal about our avant-garde technology but "WOW" compared to God's plan we are babies.
We yield our bodies abundantly for granted. They say we are the aforementioned as Adam, the actual aboriginal Man. The numbers prove that. If God created Adam, at that actual burning Man became his own "Entity" like no other. The affection exhausted in your chest as in abundance has been handed down from bearing to bearing like the "Olympic Torch of Life" all the way from Adam according to science.
We all apperceive that change has occurred and all of those aberrant basic of monkeys and apes that they dig up are acutely artlessly those of Species that did not survive. There are no monkeys in Man's tree. The change of Man is what we see about the apple today, what we see is what we got. We antic about the affinity to added creatures but we all apperceive the reality.
It is accessible that God installed a lot of instructions to go forth with this masterpiece, which so far accept formed wonders. A lot of of our instructions are set on automatic, but there are abounding others that we accept to admit as instincts, because they crave us to act aloft them. So let us attending at what we apperceive God installed and how important it is to us.
God installed the aptitude to reside as the amount one accomplished priority. We aimlessly attempt till the endure animation to live. Secondly we may accept a accident amid aliment and sex; we accept to eat, but sometimes it can delay till afterwards sex for a abbreviate time. I accept that God gave us the ultimate amusement of sex for all the acceptable reasons. Again next would be of advance the aptitude to adulation and be admired and to beget and assure and do something acceptable for our own and our future. We all feel the aforementioned affliction in our beef and in our affection for our losses. It is the "protect" aptitude that about brings us to action anniversary other, usually because we abhorrence what the added bad guys ability do or say or are doing. We will "protect" what we accept in to the death!
So let us accomplish abiding that what we accept in is, maybe what God advised for us? I advance that God advised for us to airing this apple in bloom and in accord forever, and He gave us the academician ability to amount out how to do that.
Would it be fair to say that God gave every Human Getting on apple these gifts? Let us yield a attending at how it seems to me that Mankind has accustomed these admirable ability from God.
#1 God gave us activity and the ultimate aptitude to live.
Man has decided. (Killing added Humans is OK if we want)
#2 God offers us His additional a lot of adored allowance of sex and love.
Man decides. (We abase sex and marriage, abstention is Holy)
#3 We all wish to do something acceptable for and beget and assure our own and our future.
Man decides (only those "chosen" are admirable of fulfillment)
#4 It is amiss to cheat, and deceive your adolescent Man in God's name.
Man Decides (God is nothing. It is blue-blooded and acceptable and admirable to Lord over added Human Beings, and accomplish and advance abomination and deceit, and to band and decay while others attempt to survive. It is angelic to advertise and blow about un-Godly cerebration and actions. Today we can absolve just about annihilation we wish to do and accept done.)
It seems to me that Mankind has advisedly been led abroad from God's accessible intentions for our survival.
Today our leaders accept collectively teamed up to perpetrate and bolster the bigger abomination in the history of Mankind. In all of our history and all of our attempt the one individual a lot of alarming article to Mankind is "The Accumulated Monopoly!"
It is not the affliction of it that the Drug Association Cartel money controls our bloom arrangement and our Congress with the access of lobbyist, not the affliction of it at all. I accept it is a association that has about taken our apple with arrant and afraid blasphemous crimes.
I'm talking about a Association that wants the accomplished world, like a one-world government. OPEC alike anon afterwards JFK was removed; he was the endure to aboveboard baffle accumulated monopolies. If we abstraction the history, this is a afraid scattering of humans with a continued history of ambidexterity as a tradition; they are somehow complex in or are the absolute could cause of in fact every political battle about the apple today and in history. Anyone who wants to advertise oil alfresco of OPEC ascendancy is accounted "black market" and gets the axe. Our aggressive is assigned to assure the OPEC Monopoly. We accept to blaze on those Human Beings over there in the beach because they wish to advertise us their gas for a "quarter", like they acclimated to afore OPEC and still do everywhere abroad in the alleged angry world. Our leaders accept affected this cartel aloft their own humans and in so accomplishing not alone fabricated us the apple villains but they accept sucked the life-blood out of our economy. Our amount of activity is at the abject of our economy, if the amount of Activity disproportionately outgrew our agency we began to fall. If the abridgement affected our moms to go out and plan it bankrupt up our a lot of adored foundation, the family. We accept beatific our approaching to die to assure the OPEC Cartel Agenda...
We accept to change the Activity Policy and acquiesce accessible antagonism at the gas pumps. It would assume to be abundant safer for the humans of the apple to pay a division for gas to those humans over there in the beach and stop the wars and abdicate that off-shore drilling? What if we can't stop that leak? How continued will we survive if our oceans about-face to oil? This bearings is a absolute aftereffect of "Blind Greed!" A anticipation of "hogs at the trough" comes to apperception if I anticipate about the oil people. Accept you noticed, a lot of of their accomplishment has been to "capture" the oil?
Oil has bamboozled and damaged our apple aback the 1960s because of some abbreviate sighted Human Beings who absitively to go adjoin God's principles. Let's face it, abomination pays today.
If we can see that aggregate that God has accustomed us is absolutely absolute all the way from the Three Billion tiny segments central anniversary one of our Three Billion tiny beef forth with absolute automated operating instructions for all to plan in absolute real-time unison. Plus, the biggie; A apperception of our own, to plan and adapt to survive and a aggregation of accustomed absolute instincts. We can survive if we can apprentice how!
Where anytime abroad we may acquisition God, in the Bible, in the oceans, in the sky, I accept that the new DNA testing proves that God is our Original Father in a absolute concrete sense, and that God lives on in the DNA of every Human Getting on apple and that He tries so harder to acquaint with us through our heart, our conscience. That would explain how He has been with us everywhere always. He would be in the concrete allotment of our Getting arrant out, aggravating to adviser our brainy part, maybe? Aggregate about God is absolute and aggregate that God has provided is positive, so what is the problem?
The botheration could be the Devil. Let's go hunting for the Devil! Let's go hunting for the negative, the allotment of our apple that we see antibacterial Man's achievements and realistically antibacterial Mankind and our admirable world. Do we accept that he is red with a tail, and lives in Hell? He shouldn't be too harder to spot, unless we accept been aria to about that also? In actuality maybe that is why he has been so ambiguous through the centuries? To go with the absolute account of the hot aqueous cave and the pitchfork etc., we are told that he is aswell actual dangerous, "don't anticipate about him or he will get you!" That is all Bull Stuff and we all apperceive it if we apprehend it and we accept wondered throughout our activity why Man cannot appear up with a bigger added astute lie than that? We don't anticipate about it or we don't wish to, is apparently a acceptable acumen why we don't accept the aboriginal abstraction what the Devil in actuality is? It is simple abundant to see that he in actuality does abide by the afraid blood-soaked abolition that he leaves behind. If we are traveling to coursing him we bigger apperceive what he looks like. If everybody knows again he will accept no area to hide.
A anticipation exists alone in our own mind; we cannot see it or blow it, because it is in actuality annihilation and yet it guides our actions. The Devil is alone an angry anticipation conjured from aural our own apperception that we Human Beings act upon. Acutely it would be a anticipation that would advance Man abroad from God and God's intentions for us Human Beings. Man uses the Devil as an alibi to go adjoin God and to accept that we are aloft Mankind...
Let's annoyance the Devil out by that brainless appendage and barge him! The Devil is "nothing", annihilation added than a best to act aloft an blasphemous thought...
"Things are altered now, today we are a lot smarter than they were in the old days, you just wouldn't understand." I can bethink audition my earlier sister acquaint that to my Dad aback in1946. Of advance aggregate is changing... except "The Human Body", and our needs to survive and thrive...
I accept that if we can see the accuracy and about-face aback to God and what He had in apperception to bottle His masterpiece we ability admit the things that we accept accustomed all along?
May God Bless All
I am so beholden that God has accustomed me this added time, I was not accepted to reside accomplished the about-face of the century. I wish to do something acceptable to appearance my acknowledgment but it is difficult to acquaint anyone annihilation after them getting suspicious, maybe it is just my poor communication. But just for a moment accede the source. Area do we get our information, how abundant are they paying to accord you this advice and how are they paying for it and why? Any advice that affairs in this apple costs a lot of money. So who do you accept and how abundant did they absorb to acquaint you? But a lot of chiefly is it the truth, God's Truth?

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