Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Happy Lights: A Super Bible School Activity for Preschoolers for Psalm 119: 105

Have you anytime let your preschoolers play with flashlights? It can be a actual fun activity, abnormally if accumulated with the Chat of God. Psalm 119:105 says this: "Your Chat is a lamp unto my anxiety and a ablaze unto my path." Here is a fun Bible academy action you can play with your little ones alleged "Happy Lights."
Here's what you do:
For this action you will charge a flashlight for anniversary adolescent or at atomic one for every 2 accouchement so that they can share. Afore class, awning the ends of anniversary flashlight with a section of architecture cardboard out of which you've cut a blessed face. Include a smile, two eyes and a nose. Tape the affidavit to the flashlights. You are now accessible to play this activity.
Introduce Psalm 119:105 in the afterward way: Boys and girls, accession your easily if you anytime get afraid of the dark. (Wait for response.) I get afraid of the aphotic too. I like getting in the ablaze abundant better! I anticipate God brand the ablaze bigger too. Here's a Bible ballad that tells how God's Word, the Bible, is like a ablaze and a lamp. Listen to what it says: Your Chat is a lamp to my anxiety and a ablaze to my path." Now let's say it together. I'll say some chat aboriginal and again you echo afterwards me. (Say a brace of words and let the accouchement echo afterwards you.) Can anybody point to some lights in our room? (Wait for response.) Good job! Lights are important. They advice us see area to go and accumulate us from bumping into things so that we don't get hurt.
God's Word, the Bible, is like a light. It aswell shows us area to go and keeps us safe if we do what God tells us to do. God's Chat should accomplish us actual blessed just like this blessed ablaze I am holding. (Show the accouchement your blessed face flashlight.) If we adulation God and obey Him we will be happy. Here is a flashlight for anniversary of you to hold. (Explain how to about-face it on and off.) Now, I am traveling to about-face the lights off in our room. But afore I do, anybody about-face your flashlights on. (Turn the lights off in your room.) Wow! Would you attending at how ablaze our allowance is? It's beautiful. Now, flash your lights up on the wall. Do you see the blessed faces? They're all over! Now, we're traveling to play a little bold with our flashlight. I am traveling to say an article in the room. For example, I ability say "the clock." I wish anybody to flash their lights on the clock. We will again say our Bible ballad together.
At this point, accept an article in your allowance the accouchement can point to. Again accept the accouchement echo the ballad afterwards you. Do this several times acrimonious a new article anniversary time. At the end, you ability sing the song "This Little Ablaze of Mine" and accept the accouchement ball about the room.
Next, if you admired this Sunday School/Homeschooling idea, again assurance up to today to accept Scripture Lady's Free Email Kid Tips arranged abounding with artistic account and accept 6 FREE BIBLE REVIEW GAMES to advice get the kids you abbot to aflame about the Bible!

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