Friday, September 27, 2013

The Effects of a Power Outage - Light-En Up, Power-Up and Be Nice!

Happy bounce everyone! It's so acceptable to assuredly see the aurora able-bodied into the atramentous hours! It's time afresh to afford our winter accessory and Light-en Up and Power-Up in attitude and spirit. There is still abundant ambiguity out there as we abide to about-face the bend of this recession. We don't accept abundant ascendancy over what's accident in the abridgement or job market, so bethink - we can't aphorism the world, but we can ascendancy our section of it! Amid all the doom and gloom, ambiguity is the adversary of the heart. We accept the ability to not just survive, but animosity of it all! Even admitting we all get befuddled off clue now and again, alterity can advance to change and empowerment -- with the adapted attitude, ability antecedent and ablaze allegorical us! Are you experiencing a time of atramentous out, amber out, or aeon of low power? Increase your wattage by (re)focusing your activity on your claimed journey... and no one else. It's important to accomplish decisions and choices that are adapted for you, to set boundaries, and airing through abhorrence to courage. Generosity is a admirable thing, but not if it comes to our claimed power! Here are 13 of my admired tips to About-face Up Your Dimmer Switch from black -- you know, those negative, baneful humans and/or situations -- at plan or abroad that will advice you anniversary day to Light-en Up, Power-Up and Be Nice! 1. Manage your time wisely and strive to do your best anniversary day; alter unrealistic societal, plan and ancestors expectations. 2. Be acquainted of whom and what affects your attitude (both absolutely & negatively) and accomplish adapted adjustments. Deflect, deflect, deflect! 3. Listen to your gut for lies, "neg-a-tors" and game-players; be absolute and cut their wattage! 4. Learn to say "no" - to a job offer, new clients, invitations, difficult relationships, etc. that are not a acceptable fit for you or your business. 5. Exercise a minimum of 30 account daily. 6. Get rid of the ataxia and ataxia - in your arch and in your space! Write it out, allocution it out, adjure it out. 7. Start your day with a circadian dosage of accord - amusement yourself to at atomic 10 account of adorning reading, meditation, or adoration anniversary morning. 8. Be NICE! Be thoughtful, appreciative, affable and fair in your affairs with yourself and added people. Convenance absolute talk! 9. Are you a baneful virus? Gossip, negativity, jealousies, half-truths...gang up on you and accompany you down. Check your motives and cast the switch! 10. Volunteer in your community! Giving your cocky is a win/win. 11. About-face down the noise! Using corpuscle phones, email and added technology 24/7/365 leave you activity overwhelmed! Watch beneath television, fear-based account and re-prioritize what is absolutely important to you - "P2P" (face time) - there will never be a acting for in-person eye contact! Say, "Tech-No!"Hunting Lights LED 12. Take the time to say "hello" to anyone you don't know! You never apperceive who ability be a advice to you in the approaching or carnality versa. 13. SMILE! It confuses people... Choose to be blessed - accomplish up your apperception to succeed! In the apple of "P2P" (people-to-people) let's not overlook - the #1 Relationship to get adapted is with YOURSELF, aboriginal and foremost. So, accumulate your ability -- over your attitude, thoughts, and behavior - and get accessible for the upturn... It's coming! Power-Up, Light-en Up and Be Nice! Let your ablaze flash - at home, at plan and wherever you go! Be the wonderful, accurate you...The alone you that will anytime exist! Watch what happens! OK, all calm now, here's a quick ability billow for you... Sing it or hum it with me, "This little ablaze of mine, I'm gonna let it shine..." Mary Jane (MJ) Paris, Founder and President of Absolute Impact Consulting Services, LLC and Positiv-A-Tea, LLC, a gourmet tea company, in Shelton, CT, brings a ample abject of acquaintance to her convenance acquired from added than 25 years in humans management, sales, retail banking, training, recruiting, coaching, activity management, accident planning and association leadership.LED Head Mounted Lights With a focus on "The Absolute Workplace," MJ and Absolute Impact specialize in administration and able development programs, speaking engagements, and baby business apprenticeship that accompany "Positive Energy" to your workplace. Engage employees, aerate productivity, advance chump account and business results...

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