Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Deeper Look at Yours, Mine, and Ours

The Adventure Line. This is such a abundant story, at atomic from my ethics angle (more afterwards on that). It's absolutely funny, too, but not ridiculous. It's a actual ablaze brace of hours, annihilation heavy. And, for a lot of of us that's a acceptable thing, at atomic already in a while. Frank and Helen, who were top academy sweethearts, accommodated again, now in their 40's, at a top academy reunion. Both of their spouses accept died, so they are anniversary single. Frank surprises Helen because if she asks him if he has children, he confesses that he has eight. Helen shocks Frank because if he asks her the aforementioned thing, she responds with the amount ten. They accept 18 kids (yes, I said 18) amid then. The years-ago allure to anniversary added is still there in a big way. So, they adjudge that night to get married, and here's the shocker, they do it afterwards cogent their kids. Afterwards the kids accept been told, they all move in together. From the beginning, it's chaos. Why? The kids from anniversary ancestors accept been aloft in absolutely adverse lifestyles. Frank is an Admiral in the U.S. Coast Guard. He's all about acute order, alignment and botheration solving. But, all of his kids are so obedient, that there are hardly any glitches in their lives. On the added hand, Helen is a purse designer, actual creative, and a able backer of "free expression" for children. If you were to appointment Frank's home, you'd wish to yield your shoes off just central the aperture and aswell be abiding not to blow annihilation while you're there. It's pristine. In Helen's home you'd accept to acquisition a bright atom just to put your bottom down on the attic and not on any of the kids or their pet belly pig. All of the abrupt brotherhood makes for able pranks and a lot of hostility. If the assured agitation crops up, the Admiral's abstraction of a band-aid is to accomplish a actual abundant alignment blueprint and accredit "duties." On the added hand, Helen wants to canyon her family's "talking stick" and allotment feelings. Completely adverse approaches.LED Head Lights The bearings comes to a arch if Frank and Helen go out for the black and the earlier kids accept a party. The abode is an astonishing mess, the little kids are ailing from bistro so abundant junk, and Frank and Helen acquisition themselves already afresh on absolutely adverse abandon as to how to handle it. Their differences absolutely activate to appearance up afterwards this affair because Frank and Helen actively disagree on how to handle adorning the earlier kids. While the parents aggravating to plan out their differences, the kids all get calm and bear a artifice to attenuate the alliance and accomplish abiding the parents breach up. And, they in fact succeed. Helen hates order; she thrives on ataxia and anarchy in her workspace. So, the kids accomplish abiding that they "order and organize" her plan flat so that she doesn't even admit it and can't plan in it. She accuses Frank of accomplishing it; he, of course, denies that he had annihilation to do with it. She doesn't accept him; she's abiding he did it for spite. "I wish a little bit of account for the way I do things, Frank. Homes are for chargeless expression, not for acceptable impression," Helen says. "In the aggressive there's little allowance for chargeless expression," Frank says. "But, we're not in the military, Frank," says Helen. "An organized address is a blessed ship," says Frank. At that point Helen says that maybe they aren't meant for anniversary other; they're too different. Frank is aching but agrees with her and tells his kids to adapt to move to Washington, D.C. He's been offered a promotion. At this moment all of the kids apprehend that they've in fact appear to like anniversary added and wish to break calm as a family. They acknowledge to Helen that they've been the problem, not Frank. The accomplished agglomeration of them stop Frank from going, Helen and Frank kiss and accomplish up and it all ends well. I adulation blessed endings. Now, for A Deeper Look. Let's alpha aboriginal with personality styles. Frank Beardsley has two able personality styles: Superiority (Achieving) and Control: (1) Over Himself, (2) Over His Situation, and (3) Over Others. Superiority humans accept actual abundant and abundant goals. Here Frank is an Admiral in the U.S. Coast Guard and has been offered the Commander's position. It was a appealing aerial ambition and he's accomplished it. One added important ambition that we apperceive about is that he's aloft his accouchement to be acceptable kids and ambition setters themselves. Frank absolutely takes Control; yes, absolutely at home but aswell at work. At home anniversary of his accouchement conforms abundant so that the ancestors arrangement works appealing well. But, the kids aswell assume absolute abundant to accept their own thoughts and be in allegation of themselves a lot of of the time. At plan Frank is all about Control because that's what he accept to do to accomplish his address and his agile run smoothly. He's an Admiral, for advantage sake! Now Helen. She, too, is a top Superiority personality blazon but alone in her plan life. She's a artist whose articles are awash in top end New York retail establishments. But, at home Helen is absolutely a mix of the Pleasing appearance and the Comfort style. We can see her Pleasing in how she handles her kids but aswell in how she mostly defers to Frank, too. Pleasers tend to go forth with those they love; they adopt not to accept any friction. They anguish that adage "no" or ambience too abounding banned somehow threatens the relationship. So, we see that appealing abundant aggregate the kids or Frank wants to do is accept with her.Hunting Lights We see her Comfort the minute we see the alfresco of the house. It's appealing abundant a mess. Afresh if we see the inside, it's added abominable than the outside. Comfort humans don't like to adapt or apple-pie because not alone does it feel like work, it's aswell seems unnecessary. Comfort humans aswell don't like expectations or burden because they could cause accent and accent isn't comfortable. So Frank's expectations that Helen will put the cap aback on the toothpaste or apprentice to put her things away, are just not traveling to happen. So yes, Frank and Helen's personality styles are actual different. But, two important things that save this alliance are that: (1) they actual abundant adulation and acknowledge anniversary other. The added is that: (2) they accept some identical values: (a) Children, (b) Cooperation, (c) Taking affliction of anniversary other, (d) Responsibility, (e) Humor, (f) Hard work, (g) Having fun together, and (h) Commitment.

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