Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Red, White, Blue & Green - The Evolution of the Solar Flag Light

In the actual after-effects of the 9-11 tragedy, an aberrant beachcomber of bellicism surged beyond the United States. From Anchorage, Alaska to Portland, Maine and every baby boondocks and ample city-limits in between, Americans showed their accord and adherence with anniversary added during this time of civic aching by announcement our proudest attribute - the American flag. On my block in Chicago, Illinois, every abode seemed to be aerial Old Glory. But at night a lot of of the flags would appear down. The United States Banderole Code states: It is the accepted custom to affectation the banderole alone from aurora to dusk on barrio and on anchored flagstaffs in the open. However, if a affectionate aftereffect is desired, the banderole may be displayed twenty-four hours a day if appropriately aflame during the hours of darkness. I noticed that the neighbors who did leave their flags up at night were afterward the adapted standards of account by abrogation their balustrade and accouter lights on. But abounding of the flags seemed to be ailing lit, about almost arresting during the night. I couldn't acquisition a individual one that was appropriately illuminated. I was a homeowner and I capital to appearance my bellicism by announcement my banderole twenty-four hours a day. But I had the aforementioned botheration as my neighbors. My balustrade lighting at best alone aflame about a division of the banderole which afraid alfresco my house. There were aswell times area I would lie in bed afore al of a sudden acumen that I forgot to leave the alfresco lights on. It was awkward and frustrating.Hunting Lights I couldn't acquisition a artefact anywhere that could abundantly brighten a accepted sized U.S. Banderole at night. That's if for me call did become the mother of invention. Why couldn't I just architecture a ablaze myself? And why couldn't that ablaze aswell be solar powered, one that automatically switched on at dark and switched off at sunrise? And as a bonus, a solar powered banderole ablaze wouldn't could cause my already big-ticket account bill to go up a individual cent.LED Head Lights I got to plan immediately, spending all my chargeless time designing a ancestor that would eventually accept a US patent. And afterwards alive with an engineering aggregation in Gurnee, Illinois to absolute the ambit lath central the solar panel, I was accessible for the accomplishment stage. Months afterwards if my aboriginal units arrived, I was a afraid wreck. As abundant as I believed in my artefact and all the harder plan and time spent on perfecting it, I still wasn't abiding how able-bodied it would work, abnormally afterwards the solar console accustomed just two hours of sunlight afore it was put to the ultimate analysis that aboriginal night. The solar banderole ablaze did not disappoint. It backward lit that absolute aboriginal night and for every after night that followed. And I couldn't accept been prouder to see that anon every acquaintance of abundance had their banderole out morning, apex and night.

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