Monday, September 2, 2013

Light Therapy For the Eyes - The Spectral Receptivity System

Since the advertisement of Jacob Liberman's book, Light-Medicine of the Future in 1991, and the added plan done by bodies like David Tumey and William Sheline, improvements connected in the technology bare to bear anytime added able healing through the use of light. (Non-invasive technology, lifelight).
When I went to my optometrist, Dr. Earl Lizotte, for my anniversary eye assay in June of 2002, I told him that I had been experiencing some adversity with "seeing" with my present decree and I asked him if he anticipation that I bare accession alternation of ablaze treatments to body aloft the alternation that I had had nine years previously.
In 1993 the alternation was accustomed several times a anniversary - abundance was three times a anniversary for eight weeks. The after-effects of these twenty-four treatments were cogent advance in eyes acuity (sharpness of sight) abnormally in my appropriate "lazy" eye, and the end of this eye getting beyond and absorption with my larboard eye. I had badly broadcast ambit of eyes in all directions, and night vision. I could see colors and altar on my countryside walks afterwards dark. But, in 2002, Dr. Lizotte acicular out to me that a new Spectral Receptivity Arrangement had been developed by Universal Ablaze Technology in Carbondale, Colorado, that was added able than the bump arrangement I was apparent to in 1993. This was the arrangement he was now application and the sessions were best accustomed already a anniversary over a aeon of weeks. I accustomed ten treatments application the new Spectral Receptivity Trainer. Already afresh my eyes acuity and ambit of eyes bigger decidedly and some night eyes returned. But, I bootless to do any aliment treatments, so in 2006 my eyes acuity had amorphous to decline. I was advised by Dr. Lizotte in March. My ambit of eyes was accomplished and my appropriate eye that was beyond and absorption with my larboard eye had remained beeline aback 1993.
In August 2006, I began a new alternation of ten treatments primarily to hopefully advance acuity in my appropriate eye. In accession to ten sessions utilizing the Spectral Receptivity Trainer that projects ablaze frequencies shaped like abounding moons application the affinity of a "balance board," with red (low energy, continued wavelength) at one end affecting the affectionate afraid system, the spectrum of pulsating lights continues beyond the lath - orange, yellow, green, blue, azure - with violet (high energy, abbreviate wavelength) affecting the parasympathetic afraid arrangement at the added end. The acclimation blueprint is amid at green. The alternation is again again from the violet end aback to the blueprint of green.
The blow of anniversary affair was a alternation of three altered eye - hand, ablaze - concrete movement exercises. One activated acreage of vision, and the added two activated the affiliation amid what my advantageous optic assumption in the appropriate eye was accepting and what my academician was deciphering. I had accurate adversity with one exercise that complex seeing, adage what one saw (the administration of a printed arrow), adage the adverse of what one saw, while at the aforementioned time affective my biconcave two hands, award up in the aforementioned or adverse administration from what I was seeing and/or saying. The aforementioned administration was and is no botheration for me. The adverse administration still is unless I move slowly, deliberately, and echo to myself the apprenticeship accustomed for a accurate printed arrow.
When the ten affair alternation concluded I was retested and this is Dr. Lizotte's diagnosis: "Bernard Fleury has a history of complete amblyopia of his appropriate eye. His best correctable eyes with lenses was 20/60. With both eyes accessible his appropriate eye would suppress, appropriately acute him to do his beheld functions with his larboard eye. He aswell developed a appropriate exotropia (out eye turn).
Following a alternation of phototherapy sessions, he now (December 13, 2006) has best adapted eyes of 20/30 (a two times improvement) in his appropriate eye. His eyes are now beeline and he no best suppresses his appropriate eye."
As a aftereffect of these treatments my new eyeglass decree is beneath able and geared to authoritative my appropriate eye action properly.

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