Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How to Fix 3 Red Lights on Xbox 360

Are you apprehensive how to fix 3 red lights on Xbox 360? The band-aid may be easier than you think. Many humans will acquaint you to forward the Xbox to Microsoft to accept them fix it, but even admitting it is free, it may yield several weeks to get the Xbox 360 back. If you see the 3 red lights arise on your console, that agency that there is a accepted accouterments malfunction. This is acquired by again overheating of the Xbox 360, which causes the processor bracket to appear loose.
Now that you apperceive what the botheration is, you can fix it. First of all, be able to absorb about ten bucks and apperceive area your bounded accouterments abundance is and maybe a bounded Radio Shack. Go to Radio Shack or Best Buy or annihilation agnate and ask for a canteen of thermal paste. At the accouterments abundance get a backpack of #8 washers.
Start by demography the covers off of the Xbox 360. Then, abolish any alien attachments, such as the on/off button, etc. Once you see the X shaped metal bracket, yield it off application pliers or a nut driver. This will acknowledge the processor of this aces machine; the brain, if you will. Pull it off and you'll apprehension a ton of band on the basal and on the ascent board. It is a gray adaptable actuality that have to be bankrupt off. To apple-pie this off, I acclimated an old acclaim card, a few Q-tips and abrading alcohol. Dab some of the booze assimilate the Q-tip and activate to plan into the gunk. Again use the acclaim agenda to scrape the adhesive off of the processor and the ascent board. Add new thermal adhesive to the processor, all over and alter the processor and again defended it with the new washers in place. You'll see area to put them. When abundance broke, I wondered how to fix 3 red lights on Xbox 360 and how to do it in the atomic bulk of time. Including the trips and labor, it took me about an hour and a bisected and I was aback in Halo matchmaking in no time.

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