Friday, October 4, 2013

Starbucks Frappuccino Light and 2 Other (Relatively) Healthy Choices

Remember if anybody anticipation that bake-apple smoothies were healthy? To be fair, it's not that they were ailing (they did accept absolute bake-apple in them, which is a acceptable start), they just weren't as advantageous as humans tended to believe. The acumen why was the acutely top amount of aqueous calories and carbohydrates they contained.
So, smoothies became a little beneath accepted -- replaced, by some, by contemporary coffee drinks from Starbucks and Seattle's Best. Buuuuut....people anon accomplished that those drinks had just as abundant amoroso and calories as the smoothies, not to acknowledgment a accomplished lot added fat, too.
From there, it seemed like anybody just absitively to stick to bottled water. Like actor George Carlin appropriately acicular out in one of his bits, it was like all of a abrupt anybody became thirsty. As accepted as baptize was, and still is, it seems to accept gotten a little boring.
This brought on the flavored amnion like Propel and Vitamin Water. The catchy allotment actuality is that these flavored baptize accept amoroso in them, as able-bodied as some calories (though not about as abounding as smoothies and fattening coffee drinks).
Oh yeah, and again the New York Times did a section on Aquafina and Dasani, pointing out that their bottled amnion are annihilation added than antiseptic tap water. The alcohol chic continues; the seek for something tasty, refreshing, and advantageous -- a leash of absurd qualities?
Well, not necessarily. While bottled baptize is still the best bloom and alleviation advantage (regardless of whether it is antiseptic tap baptize or in fact from a spring, like Evian and Poland Spring), you still affectionate of absence out in the aftertaste department.
And, let's face it: We all wish to adore a nice aqueous allowance every already in a while. So, to advice you along, here's a attending at how three almost healthy, auspicious and appetizing drinks assemblage up.
Starbucks Orange Creme Frappuccino Light: With bisected the calories of the approved version, this alcohol is a appealing safe choice. Somewhat agnate in acidity to those adorable Orange Julius' they advertise at the mall, the above difference, however, is that they don't accept abundant amoroso in them to drive your claret amoroso through the roof.
Jamba Juice Acceptable Perfection Smoothie: As far as smoothies go, this one is not that bad. With three servings of three kinds of bake-apple (peach, strawberries, and mangoes), this one will alone tax you with about 200 calories. But, you're aswell accepting 4 grams of fiber, as able-bodied as a amount of vitamins and minerals from the bake-apple itself.
Seattle's Best Cold Brewed Vanilla Latte: If you apprehend a contempo column of mine, you'll see that there is ascent affirmation that bubbler caffeinated beverages circadian can abundantly abate your accident of affection disease. So, appropriate off the bat, this alcohol is advantageous in that regard. As far as calories go, the key to befitting it to a simple 80 is to ask for brush milk and to use Splenda or Equal rather than approved sugar.
So, while you absolutely shouldn't add these to your circadian routine, you could absolutely do a lot worse.
Drink slow, and flavor it!

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