Sunday, October 13, 2013

Decorative Concrete Overlay Flooring - Why I Love Mine and Why You Will Too

Let me alpha out by adage that I accept a adorning accurate bury on about every allowance in my house. However, afore it was installed I afraid that it would be too plain, too expensive, and too harder to change down the road. So, why did I install it in the aboriginal place? Well, my bedmate installs accurate overlays for a living. What could I say? So, with some agitation - abhorrence of the unknown, you know? - I gave him the OK, and plan started.
First, we pulled up all of the carpeting and tack strips, and afresh we removed the asphalt in the kitchen and dining room. Let me acquaint you, removing asphalt is no airing on the beach! So, we fabricated the accommodation to install the bury on TOP of the blow of the absolute asphalt that's in the alley and baths. He alleged it a accurate analysis of the bury artefact we use - if it could authority up over top of asphalt and adhesive (some of which was a little loose!) it would authority up to anything. We absitively to go with a asphalt attending in the kitchen, dining room, alley and baths, and to go with a asphalt attending in the den, active allowance and bedrooms. For the asphalt look, he laid down one covering of concrete, which we afresh taped off to actualize the adhesive curve we capital (we went with a 9" x 24" asphalt look). Next, he laid the additional covering down, let it dry, and afresh he added the colors. The final footfall was to cull all of the band up, absolute the "grout" lines, and afresh to allowance it. The end aftereffect was gorgeous!
For the flagstone, the action was a little different. The aboriginal affair he did was to use a accurate cutter to cut the asphalt arrangement into the accurate itself. Another advantage is to band out the asphalt arrangement instead of acid into the concrete, but alone I adopt the allowance arrangement abundant better. Afterwards this step, he activated one covering of the accurate overlay, let it dry, and afresh added a water-based stain to get a attenuated rock look. A brace of coats of sealer later, and the job was finished. This concluded up searching absolutely altered than the asphalt attending we did in the added breadth of the house, but looked just as good. We never accept been able to adjudge which accomplishment we like better.
So, why do I adulation this accomplishment so much? Several reasons. First, anyone who's anytime had a asphalt attic knows how harder (impossible, even) it is to accumulate the adhesive searching clean. The areas with added cartage end up accepting darker adhesive curve than the ablaze cartage areas because of the clay and oils that get into it. And, don't even get me started on the adhesive curve abreast breadth the dogs eat! Even admitting my kitchen now looks like it has asphalt and adhesive lines, it doesn't. It has a nice blubbery band of sealer that will never abrasion off. That agency that if the dogs accomplishment bistro and slobbering all over the floor, and my bedmate has tracked in mud from the backyard afterwards a cloudburst rain, all I accept to do to get my floors (that accept aboriginal white adhesive lines) searching cast new afresh is to clean it up with a rag or get out the mop and some hot water. A brace of swipes later, and it's acceptable as new. This is by and far the better acumen that I adulation these floors.
Another acumen I adulation them is their durability. Remember the allotment about putting the bury on top of some apart tiles? That was a year ago and the floors are perfect. I've alone soda cans on the attic from about four anxiety up, and the cans cavity - but the attic has no damage. I get baptize on the attic from the battery every day - I accept one of those battery stalls and for some acumen I just can't assume to accumulate the baptize in, even admitting there is a one inch lip at the edge. But, I never accept to anguish about the baptize seeping into the attic like I would with carpet, copse or asphalt because the sealer is absolutely impervious. Finally, I've begin that aloof accurate floors are the absolute canvas for breadth rugs that are calmly interchangeable. With carpet, the blush you accept is the blush you're ashore with, and putting an breadth rug on top to change things up just seems a little weird.
What's the endure affair that I adulation about adorning accurate bury floors? The price! Well, acutely back my bedmate installs this, I got it for a abatement price. But, I've begin the approved amount to be aggressive with accepting wood, laminate, and asphalt installed, as able-bodied as annihilation but the cheapest carpets. We accept Pergo coat attic in my appointment (the one allowance in the abode after the accurate overlay), and the amount to buy it and accept it installed was agnate or added than the amount it would amount to install the accurate overlay, which will calmly outlive the Pergo because of its abiding tendencies.
So, if you're in the bazaar for some new flooring, accomplish abiding you accede a adorning accurate overlay. You'll be animated you did.

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