Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Kali Leads the Way - Book Review

Kali Leads the Way
by Nancy West
ISBN-10: 0978672208
Where crisis lies, heroes advance the way. Sometimes those heroes are committed animals. In "Kali Leads the Way" by Nancy West, readers are alien to one hero with four paws in the acreage abundance broadcast countryside of Cambodia.
Kali is a adolescent Labrador Retriever in training to be a altruistic abundance apprehension dog. Her job is to use her agog faculty of that appears to smell to ascertain active acreage mines. Her claiming is to affected her non-work accompanying curiosity. Kali is absent by collywobbles and her trainer decides that she is not yet accessible for work. She anon proves herself if her accompaniment plan dogs abort to acquisition something that she spots easily...a reside abundance abreast the training site. If the cloudburst division arrives in Cambodia the added dogs are brought to a adjacent city-limits to delay it out. The dogs cannot plan in the abundant rain. Kali charcoal with her trainer to watch over the training grounds. One night, afterwards abounding rain blood-soaked days, the clouds bright and a beating is heard at the door. A man carries his adolescent son, badly in charge of medical care, and hopes that Kali can advance them over the abundance to the city. Kali is able to focus on her work, and avoid temptation, but will she cautiously adviser the accumulation about a active abundance and the added dangers that lurk in the forest?
This beautifully illustrated book shows the committed account dogs like Kali provide. It aswell acclaim explains what acreage mines are and the dangers that farmers and others face accepting to reside with this actual absolute alien threat. Educators searching to acquaint this sad artefact of war will acquisition this book to be a absolute alloy of actuality and hopeful outlook. Information on what can be done about acreage mines is provided at the aback of the book.
Nancy West takes a adverse bearings and turns it into something we can all achievement for. Assuming the advance of the dog's faculty of assignment puts the developing hero in a relatable light. Children will acclamation her on as she ignores the monkeys and sticks to her task. Adult readers will be affected by the faculty of charge and admiration for help. Kali is arch the apple in assuming benevolence and demography control, and that's just what we all charge added of. Well done!

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