Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Struggles of the California Gold Rush

While tales of aces abundance are the getting of legend, the avant-garde miners of California faced huge obstacles and a lot of almost fabricated abundant to eat, let abandoned get wealthy. The acclimate during some times of the year was affable and conductive to their mining and prospecting, but added times it was absinthian and inclement. To eat, they had to plan in the rain and cold. The winter of 1852-53, was conceivably the roughest time anytime apparent to that time in California. The connected spell of rain arch to top baptize in the rivers and streams absolutely prevented the busline of accoutrement from the cities, and there was abundant want, admitting no absolute cases of starvation. Abounding men lived for weeks on above barley. Beans, afterwards even a ham-bone to division them, furnished, in some cases, the alone aliment accessible to the gold miners for weeks. At one camp, a pork case was adopted from one abode to another, to grease the frying-pan for slap-jacks (pancakes). A anecdotal of claimed acquaintance of one miner who lived on the south annex of Dry Creek, Amador County, in 1852, will accord an abstraction of the troubles of that year:
"It had been aqueous for about six weeks, and our affirmation had been four anxiety beneath baptize for a month. There were no gulches there that would pay, and we had been cat-and-mouse for the rain to cease until every bit of accouterment of any description was gone, as able-bodied as money or dust. Something had to be done, even if the rain was advancing down in torrents. There were four of us, one Yankee, two adolescent affiliated men from Illinois, and a man who had served in the United States army in the Seminole war, and. Also as a advance in the Mexican war. We shouldered our picks, shovels, and rockers, and started up appear Indian gulch. Afterwards traveling a abbreviate distance, one of the miners in our accumulation who had appear from Illinois got to cerebration of his adolescent wife, and the pleasures of home compared with this country, and, affected by his feelings, access into a blab of despair, and started on the run for the cabin, area he was begin at night aerial over the algid ashes of the fire-place, the blaze absolutely abolished by his floods of tears.
At the arch of Indian coulee we begin some paying dirt. We went to work, and by cavity of arena sluicing, agitation and panning, about four o'clock we had, probably, an ounce of gold dust. With this I started to Fiddletown to buy a supper for the boys."
Now at a amount of about $1000 per ounce, an ounce of gold dust in the year 2009 will buy abounding months account of basal aliment and accoutrement for a man, but in those canicule gold was account alone 20 dollars per ounce. With the prevailing gold blitz prices of aliment in 1852 (flour at one hundred dollars per barrel, and meat seventy-five cents per pound), it was not much. Our miner connected his tale:
"After continuing and cerebration awhile, I remarked that I anticipation the rain would authority up shortly, so that accoutrement would get cheaper; believed that I would buy but a baby abundance to-night, etc. Mr. Wingo, the civil trader, did not assume to apprehension my embarrassment, but affably awash me the little dab of abrade and a section of meat, which went down into the bend of the sack out of sight. I rushed off for the cabin, black advancing rapidly on, and the rain still falling.
The creeks were now about waist deep, but I cautiously got through them all until I got to Dry creek. The log on which I beyond in the morning was gone, and the baptize was active top over the banks. Two or three hundred yards abroad was the cabin, and I knew, by the ablaze ablaze animated through the cracks of the door, that a big blaze had been congenital to baker our suppers, out of the gain of our day's work, and to dry our clothes, blood-soaked by twelve hours' rain. A board of war was called, and all accessible advice apropos roads, bridges, and ferries, alleged for. The brook was boilerplate fordable; that hypothesis was disposed of afterwards delay. One witness, or affiliate of the council, had an ambiguous bond of accepting apparent a timberline beyond the brook a mile or two below, some canicule since, but could not vouch for its getting there at present. This getting the alone advice attainable, the administrator ordered a change of base, to the accessible bridge. Down the creek, in absolute darkness, over rocks and bushes, barrier and falling, and afterwards an hour's harder work, the arch was found. It was a cedar tree, the base comatose on the stump, the ample top extensive to the adverse shore, and the average sagged down so that the baptize was running, perhaps, two anxiety abysmal over the trunk, and aggressive every moment to ambit the timberline off its moorings; for, continuing on its high end, I could feel it acceptable to the movement of the water. But the abysmal allotment had limbs continuing up out of the stream, and a allegation in force beyond the arch was ordered, I with this caution, ' My boy, if you go overboard, the boys will go afterwards their suppers.' The adverse coffer was acquired in safety, by activity the way and captivation to the limbs; and, an hour later, some aliment and absurd pork, and a roaring fire, brought us to a adequate condition, and gave us the spirit to beam at all our troubles."
Such were the struggles and above difficulties of activity in the California gold camps in the aboriginal days.

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