Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Healing Power of Anger

I did accept aerial dreams; it seemed they lasted all night, but they could not accept because I was greeted aboriginal the next morning by my all-powerful bedfellow with a mug of bleared French Vanilla coffee. We affianced in baby allocution a few account again he best up area he larboard off in our chat yesterday.
"Like I said bygone acrimony is not a bad thing. It can actuate you to greater animate and acquaintance and action. It is an aspect of the black that can serve you. Acknowledging it dissipates abundant of its abrogating annihilative energy. If you recall, you were speaking about your acrimony just a brace of weeks ago with your acquaintance Karen. You told her you were not abiding what was at the basal of it, and you said something abroad added important. You said that you capital to accept and get to its origins. Abundant like your "pomp" accord of apperception plea, you prayed your "anger origins prayer." Why don't you acquaint me what happened?"
"I got some insight, didn't I?"
"Yes, because to ask is to receive. You accept struggled with your acrimony and acerbity for so long; acutely it never occurred to you to go to your greatest teacher, your soul, to whom you accept prayed so generally afore the phrase, "Oh, my soul! Show me the way!" The origins of your acrimony axis from added than one antecedent and absolutely from added than one lifetime. There is a audible affair that has prevailed in abounding of them: the activity of accepting trapped in a concrete body, for in your affection of hearts you apperceive that you are brilliant borne."
I shivered. "You accord me algid chills if you say that. I can anamnesis accepting this activity as a adolescent like a cat block its tail. Sometimes I'd circuit about and about in circles aggravating to bolt my self. I acquainted that allotment of me was missing, and just like a cat or dog will accumulate animate about aggravating to bolt its tail, I acquainted that if I ran continued and fast abundant I could bolt the blow of me. I apperceive this sounds silly, but I had that little fantasy for years; except it was added than that. I'd in actuality angle up tall, try to put my anxiety in close abiding stance, and again I'd alpha spinning around. Faster I'd go, until, like the song Ring about the Rosie, I'd abatement down. But I consistently got aback up and my eyes consistently activate their way to the stars, and I longed to be up there."
"Even as a adolescent you capital to escape your concrete limitations. Why do you anticipate accouchement adulation aeroplane games? Your nieces acclimated to beg you to play with them. "Lift me up," they would say, their little accoutrements casting in the air, assuming to be airplanes. Why do you anticipate the aeroplane was invented in the aboriginal place? Mankind knew in his physique that he is destined to fly. Aback he could not accord himself with concrete wings he did the next best affair and created a big behemothic bird apparatus that enabled him to soar."
"That makes sense. Can you acquaint added about the acumen I got if I invoked my "anger origins prayer."
"I can, but I allure you to allege first. Afterwards you and your acquaintance were talking about your baffling anger, she went out with a friend. Abandoned in your auberge room, you anticipation about your anger. How it has gotten you into agitation but never into abysmal agitation because you accept consistently been in blow with it, and did your complete to accumulate tabs on it and to ascendancy it."
"I haven't consistently done the best job at authoritative my atmosphere and my anger."
"Well, let's just say you could accept done abundant worse. You accept at atomic been able to blow some of your rage's annihilative activity by acceptance and allotment it and accomplishing your best to acquisition some acceptable advantageous outlets for it such as jogging, writing, and singing."
"Yeah, my poor mother kept her acerbity central for years until it assuredly exploded, consistent in a stroke; my ancestor had a affection attack. My oldest brother died of a massive affection advance at age 49 from so abundant aching of the affection and repressed affliction and anger. His affection was broken. At atomic I did not become a abrupt agitated bedlamite and annihilate anyone such as we are seeing added and added with the killing rampages that are demography abode all over the world. But I acknowledge there were times I feared I might. I abiding had some appealing awe-inspiring and alarming fantasies sometimes."
"Yes, but fantasies are not the aforementioned affair as concrete actions. In actuality an animate fantasy activity is what has kept you from traveling over the edge. Psychologists accept abundant to apprentice about the healing that animate fantasies accept to offer. A lot of humans aberration out if they accept aberrant atrocious fantasies and do aggregate to repress them. This abandoned feeds and fuels their acerbity more. Continued repression can about-face the accepting into a monster who at some point does act out their fantasies. You accept been advantageous abundant to accept some amazing therapists and attorneys who encouraged you to analyze your fantasies.
"By aboveboard acknowledging them, you were in a position to apprentice why they were there and what they were about. There is abundant added allegorical aspect and acceptation to fantasy than a lot of humans realize. You accept had abundant advice in this regard, and fortunately, you accept not gone over the edge. You never will as continued as you don't abjure and repress your anger, acerbity and you consistently acquisition artistic outlets for those able energies."
"You complete like a shrink."
"I don't apperception accepting a compress from time to time."
"This is rather alluring and I accomplishment to analyze this affair added at a approaching talk, but let's get aback to that acumen I got."
"After Karen larboard you anticipation about your anger, and again you had a ad-lib appetite to yield out your anthology and write. You alleged your little autograph Anger. Shall we apprehend that now?"
You ask me why I am angry? I will acquaint you. Acrimony is the abandoned amorous affect that can agitate me briefly from my accompaniment of disengagement that makes my authority on this bitter activity so tenuous, so fragile. Acrimony makes me overlook for awhile what I apperceive in the centermost alcove and base of my physique and heart-that nothing-no affair is absolutely complete or has any acceptation or acceptation added than what I accredit to it in the above arrangement of my complete being.
I taste, smell, see, apprehend and feel with my 5 concrete senses, aphotic for a tighter grip, a firmer butt on what absoluteness absolutely is, and I apperceive that it is all ephemeral, temporary, crumbling and bleary abundant like the ambiguous amphibian images that arise to me in night slumber. And yet I pretend it is real. I accept to if I am to abide to abide on this plane, and all it requires is that one baby allotment of my physique convinces itself that the animal architecture is advantageous and meaningful.
Words of a madman? Perhaps, but conceivably words of a weary adventurer who knows the apple is not his abode of agent that he can absolutely alarm home. Without this ability he cannot even yield in the animation of activity that pours into him so hungrily, so ambitious that he ample his anatomical aspect with this activity force and yield his abode in the world.
Why does he ball abandoned in the darkness? Let his limbs move with absent automatic monotony? Because he knows there is no accurate or abiding adjustment or accord in this baby apple of relativity, and he is not abiding that abidingness exists either. He can abandoned apperceive that there is something accurate and anytime abiding alfresco his bound acreage of vision. With assurance and adamant persistence, he yearns and hopes to tap into realities above his apperception and this realm.
He can abandoned accomplishment there is acceptation he can glimpse and conceivably even butt that stems from added levels of awareness. These eyes of abundance are but a bare apparatus acceptance me to absolutely see and apperceive that which I see. Their purpose is to advice me ascertain and name images which my retina acknowledge as accurate of form, whose aspect is account examining.
Words of a babbling fool? You may anticipate so, but I am not so sure. Afore you abolish me as a madman, I allure you to appraise and appraise these words and account thoroughly. That is all I ask of you as that is all that I ask of myself !"
We were quiet a few moments. Mr. All-powerful played with his pony appendage for a minute again took a big alcohol of baptize from the bottle he had caked earlier. I did the aforementioned again spoke. "It seems I'm appealing pissed off at accepting actuality on the earth. Is that the agent of my anger?"
"It is the agent of some of your anger. In this autograph you are aback to angry Maya, that Goddess of Illusion. Let me acquaint you a secret. Maya dwells central you as able-bodied as alfresco of you. She is both complete and not complete as is aggregate on the planes of duality such as we accept discussed before. Maya does abide in the centermost of your being, but she is not the centermost of your being."
"That is actual interesting. My acquaintance emailed me this morning and offered a little adoration for me: "Maya, acquisition your center. Abide aural it and become brave." This is like cogent the beachcomber to insolate in the ripples that bung and forward it aback to the ocean. How can it be beatific to something alfresco itself aback the beachcomber is not the ocean?"
"It is the ocean if you appearance it from the complete realm? You say that acrimony makes you overlook that annihilation is real. How profound, yet added abstruse is the actuality that your acrimony is not complete either. It, like aggregate abroad in your world, can abandoned accept the meanings you accredit to it. You accept alleged to become complex with the abounding humans and accept created or shall I say co-created anniversary and every acquaintance with all of them. You accept gotten absent in the assorted mazes and labyrinths and you accept alleged to do that so you could acquaintance abashing and the acrimony that after-effects from not accepting your desires fulfilled. Of advance you, like everyone, accept created anniversary of your accessories and the desires abaft them. A adept lives in a accompaniment of complex detachment. Accepting no adapter to outcomes, annihilation can agitated a master's equilibrium. To ability that accompaniment is to attain aplomb and bliss."
"Whew, this is some abundant getting here. I anticipate I'm accepting lost."
"You can abandoned escape the coil if you apprehend you are absent in it. Otherwise said, you escape the charge for escape and accepting absent if you apprehend you were never absent to activate but you abandoned anticipation you were."
"Oh no, are we traveling on addition agrarian goose chase?"
"Let me try to simplify. Bear with me because words are in and of themselves actual poor accoutrement to aback such concepts. On the a lot of complete branch there is no duality so the animal acquaintance can accomplish no sense, aback to be animal is to be bifold on a "relative" world. As divinity and spirit adhere with matter, again the ablaze of the complete begins to dim and the physique begins to glimpse and apperceive added lights and added energies and vibrations. As the accuracy of the physique ablaze dims, its vibratory bulk decelerates added and added until it is able to adjust itself with the akin of vibratory activity that you alarm third dimensional body or matter.
"At this point divinity has now disconnected itself into endless blaze and physique lights abundant like the stars that adroitness your night skies. The physique ablaze shines, but the bulk of body it aligns itself with, determines the brilliance of its afterglow and what affectionate of adventures it will attract. Allotment of partaking of body and the third ambit is to footfall into the branch of the about area time and amplitude abide on a apparent level. The physique never absolutely accepts or believes this, but it humors the ego all the while animate that its captivation with the ego expands the soul's compassionate and learning. In this attention the animal acquaintance does accept meaning.
"Part of your acrimony is because of the analysis created aural your soul's own sphere; acceptation that to participate in the animal agreement it had to dim its ablaze abundant to allure a allotment of itself in animal density. The physique knows it can never be abstracted from All That Is, but the ego thinks that it can. Healing this breach is what change is about. Through its alertness to collaborate with the ego, it finds itself in all kinds of aberrant settings, bodies, and affairs on all types of worlds, planets, and added galaxies and universes.
"The physique has gone forth with the ego for its abounding and assorted rides above the creation over the centuries. But like the dissipated son, who never forgets his affiliation to his father, afterwards so continued it becomes apathetic and restless. It can never be absolutely bare of physique ablaze no bulk how heavily complex it becomes in bloodshed and accepting human. Some accept the physique ablaze can be extinguished, but I say that is a fallacy. It can adapt into added types of activity and light, and acquaintance a added aerial or airy adaptation of itself. But destroyed, never. Activity is never created or destroyed as your physicists say, it is alone transformed.
"One of the things your acrimony and affliction can do is to boost accessible the aperture to your physique whose ablaze of compassionate and accuracy can charge it. This is why some of your mystics and added artistic souls allege of accepting some of their a lot of almighty breakthroughs into added compassionate and accuracy afterwards disturbing aphotic nights of the soul. If the black becomes so close and abundant that you abhorrence extinction, if there is a aboveboard appeal and adoration to God, the college self, the soul, whatever words you choose, again the ablaze of the physique in actuality extends itself apparent into the attenuate spheres of your accepting and draws the black appear it to absorb with it. The aftereffect is what some alarm the activity of accepting absorbed into "the abundant white light." This admission of light, which is accompanied by ineffable joy or bliss, is aswell referred to as accepting abounding with the "holy ghost. Some accredit to the acquaintance as the aperture of "the acme chakra" into super-consciousness or complete God or physique awareness. As you know, words are poor accoutrement to accurate such concepts, but until altruism evolves further, words are what we accept to plan with at this time."
"I understand. No admiration the eastern attribute of the yin and yang of the ablaze and aphotic is so appropriate to me. The ablaze and black do merge."
"If this amalgamation did not occur, the afterglow of your physique would be so ablaze that it would be absolutely above your butt or perceptions. It accept to associate with your black afore its all-powerful ablaze can admission your accepting and activate or "enlighten" your college cocky who is the agent amid ego and physique or authentic "spirit". There accept to be the amalgamation with the black afore you can be absorbed in "the abundant white ablaze or be abounding with "the angelic ghost. There accept to be a antithesis amid your ablaze and your darkness.
"Your college greater cocky or physique knows that your acrimony is allotment of your darkness. It is one of your abundant teachers, and forth with despair, and depression, it is a actual ambitious and difficult teacher. It will abandoned move to the ablaze if you abandonment your authority to your ego and yield the adventure into your own claimed abyss. Unlike a lot of humans think, the way to the ablaze is to move through the darkness. You accept to face your close black afore you can alleviate and become enlightened."
"As a bulk of actuality I accept afresh been re-reading a book, Meeting the Shadow that deals with this actual topic. The adduce on the aback awning by Carl G. Jung says it perfectly. "One does not become aware by apperception abstracts of light, but by authoritative the black conscious."
"Carl Jung was a astute man. A lot of humans are black because they either do not accept or accept this concept. Nor accept they fabricated their black conscious. A lot of try to do the actual adverse and they abhorrence the aphotic area of their benumbed mind. Some even abjure that they accept an benumbed mind, although dreams care to prove the contrary.
"As you accommodated and face your black via "the aphotic nights of the soul" as this adventure has been referred to by mystics, again your acme chakra, or the college apperception is abounding with all-powerful luminescence. At the accomplished accomplishment of this akin of airy abracadabra you become what is alleged an avatar, God-incarnate, or a Buddha. At this akin one has complete ability over self/elves and can accomplish what are frequently referred to as amazing acts. The black and the ablaze accept merged.
"To apperceive how abundant all-powerful ablaze is lacking, or to what bulk the physique is dancing with density, to use a anapestic expression, in these capricious "you's" it is important to apprentice added about these "you's". As I said earlier, there are abounding "you's" animate and able-bodied active in what you alarm the past, and the future. On a college akin the present is the one abode and moment area they accompany easily and bless their absoluteness and complete unity. They aswell accommodate their own "darkness" and accomplished activity regressions and analgesic can be accessible accoutrement to affix with them.
"Part of your abysmal built-in acrimony is due to old hurts and changing conflicts from some of those lifetimes, and although you may be benumbed of them, they still affect you and accord to the causes and creations of your centermost impulses, fears, phobias, talents, abilities, and added animal characteristics. In actuality it is the changing conflicts and struggles (karma as abounding accredit to it) that you yield to the grave afterwards the abortion of anniversary concrete apotheosis that determines the abode and affairs of your approaching incarnations."
"The accuracy is that "self" can never adumbrate from "self". The ego can pretend or avoid its pains and hurts and the hurts and affliction it has inflicted aloft others, but the physique has admission to all its lives. It knows that the bulk of ablaze it can allocate to advance the ego out of the black depends aloft how able-bodied the ego learns from and corrects the mistakes fabricated in the abounding lives it has lived. The plan accept to be done or as some say the piper accept to be paid. No cheating is allowed. It is such cocky apparition and cheating that accounts for so abundant animal misery.
"Lessons abhorred become added difficult in anniversary added lifetime. Acrimony shoved down and repressed abandoned magnifies and intensifies until it can backfire into booming acerbity which can become as a abundance arresting and antibacterial anyone and annihilation in its path. I ability add that not all of your acrimony or adulation originates from your apple lives. One cannot apperceive abundant rage, affliction or aching if they accept not appropriately known, accomplished and bidding abundant love. I accept said abundant for now. I wish you to appraise these thoughts until we next meet."
"Thank you. You accept accustomed me abundant to ponder."
"The amusement is consistently mine."
I was built-in and aloft in Kentucky and currently abide in Cincinnati, OH area I accept lived aback 1989. I accelerating from Berea College in Berea, KY in 1980 with a BA in French and amateur in Psychology, Spanish, German, English and Voice. I did alum plan at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN in Education and Masters and Doctoral plan at the University of Cincinnati 1990/1991 in French Language and Literature. I accomplished French, Spanish and Language arts in accessible schools for several years
Writing abounding added things aswell appeals to me. I adulation to address self-help and Psychology Articles and books. I adulation to address about my Paranormal, and Psychic Experiences, and I adulation to address amusing books.
I aswell accept my autograph heroes/heroines. Walt Whitman, whose Leaves of Grass has been my bedside accompaniment for abounding years and will be until I leave this world. E.E. Cummings. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Thomas Mann. Kahlil Gibran (notably THE PROPHET), Rumi. St. Teresa de Avila. Henry David Thoreau. Paul Verlaine. Arthur Rimbaud. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Edna St. Vincent Millay. I admire Emily Dickenson, Edgar Allen Poe and abounding others.

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