Thursday, October 17, 2013

Has the Philosophers Stone Been Found? Quantum Science Begins to Understand Ancient Alchemy

Throughout the 70's & 80's Hudson was absolutely abashed by a actuality he could not identify... Please let me explain. David was a awful acknowledged Arizona agriculturalist & in the 70's began a gold mining action on his acreage as a barrier adjoin aggrandizement & to allure assorted tax benefits. During mining he begin what was frequently accepted to old miners as 'Ghost gold'...However the added he mined the added accumulated, so abundant so it was in fact abbreviation his adored metal achievement accordingly he had a vested absorption to investigate same. Over the next 10 years his 'ghost gold' annoyance grew & grew. This material:
1. If broiled & apparent to absolute sunlight would 'explode' in a beam of acute ablaze but with NO force. 2. Was absolutely aggressive to any accustomed anatomy of actinic analysis. He after begin they had no absolute allure BUT did accept resonance he learnt to manipulate.
3. Was aswell aggressive to accustomed spectro-graphic assay to analyze its capacity although in time a adjustment was adopted from Russian spectro-graphic assay to analyze it.
4. If antiseptic & acrimonious would lose weight with banausic volume.
5. On cooling could either accretion or lose weight, afresh with the aforementioned volume.
6. At some stages of heating would in fact abandon afresh acknowledgment if cooled again.
7. Could be fabricated to 'disperse' artlessly by abutting the getting with the alluring acreage surrounding your hand...As you could brainstorm his annoyance knew no bounds.
Patents & Science. During the 80's things began falling in to abode advancing via two disparate arenas: Russian Spectro-graphic assay & Superconductivity theory. Firstly, during accustomed spectro-graphic assays he begin the accepted adjustment of the '30 additional burn' for accustomed metal assurance had to be continued out to the accepted Russian adjustment of '300 seconds' for identification. From this he begin his 'Ghost gold' in fact consisted of huge amounts of the 'Platinum group' of elements getting Rhodium, Ruthenium, Palladium, Platinum, Osmium, Iridium & Gold. However as American adored metal assay-ists did not accept him, he managed to clarify basal Rhodium whilst acceptable the administration of General Electric (G.E.) to let him use 'his antiseptic metal' in their Fuel beef & jet engine systems. He articular that if these accessories could alone plan in the attendance of Rhodium afresh if there was brownish rhodium in his refinements, & the G.E accessories worked, afresh this would 'once-&-for-all' prove his decades of work. As you can apparently no agnosticism tell, his rhodium did plan in these applications.
After he developed a adjustment to abstract all these elements, in 1989, he was in a position to abode apple patents anecdotic his adjustment in at diminutive 7 altered European countries & even one in Australia.
'Strange substances explained'
Secondly, it was one affair to analyze his elements, it was absolutely addition to explain their odd behaviour.
During discussions with some arch American physicists, conspicuously the eminent Hal Puthoff, David abstruse the alone affair that could explain their behaviour was the 1970's analysis of Superconductivity & some backward 80's physicist 'Transition element' discoveries. [To jump a continued way ahead, Hudson tells that the US Navy, through the use of SQIDS (Superconducting Breakthrough Interference Devices) could in fact see beef communicating to anniversary other...Hudson suggests it is these ORMUS elements which acquiesce for this communication. Accordingly Hudson postulates that as superconductors backpack electrons as ablaze afresh it is LIGHT that communicates one corpuscle to the added (see below)].
Later, during 'Thermo-gravimetric' analyses (a awful specialised controlled heating apparatus) Hudson empiric that at altered temperatures these elements apparent 'odd' backdrop (points 4 - 7 above). From these observations he believed he witnessed what physics was alpha to call as 'transition metal accumulation (the platinum accumulation abatement into this) cool askew nuclei'. What physicists empiric was that in assorted altitude these alteration elements in fact began to 'turn-in-on-themselves' and in this accompaniment apparent no actinic reactivity, defying the accustomed brownish aspect behaviour from which they sprang. This non-interactivity was explained because as the basis continued it began interacting with it's own surrounding valence electrons thereby blocking reactions to added elements. Physicists aswell declared these metals apparent 'ceramic-like powdery' properties. Hudson/Puthoff after accounted these askew & non-deformed nuclei metals as traveling into 2 phases, High & Low circuit states and whilst in this state, acted as a individual atom- viz: displayed breakthrough (atomic) backdrop in the 'macro' (physical) form... In Physics this breakthrough ascertainment is VERY, VERY special.
Further, these High Circuit accompaniment metals apparent the weight & invisibility anomalies that could alone be explained via Superconductivity approach of which Hal Puthoff's theories predicted. Aswell Puthoff predicted these elements SHOULD already abide in attributes but orthodox, actinic based science could not prove their actuality [Hudson tells us these things do abide in abundant of the foods we already ingest... Indeed he attributes abundant of the ameliorative allowances of aliment juices & herbs down to these elements.]
NOTE: A superconductor about is a carrier of ablaze in the anatomy of commutual electrons alleged 'Cooper pairs' & exhibits a 'Meissner' acreage -(Like a alluring field)- the backbone of which depends aloft the 'amount' of cooper pairs the superconductor contains.
Where is this all leading?...Mysticism? All this theory, physics & superconductivity articulate alluring BUT what was the 'bigger picture' here? How could he use these findings, added than artlessly get affluent on it OR go down in the account of science? In the aboriginal 90's while absorption it's acceptation and absorption on his US$5 actor fifteen-year odyssey, he was approached by a about bouncing a book beneath his nose.
The book declared a white crumb of gold, getting an actinic abstract of assorted alteration metals that accustomed aspect transmutation, invisibility & if ingested, immortality. Hudson was administering bound abstracts on a scattering of humans who were accommodating to blot these articles also. What they began to acquaintance was declared in abounding 'Hindu/eastern mystical practices and austerities' as a abstruse access in analytic acuteness (clairaudience/clairvoyance), seeing ablaze beings, a aberrant yet arresting complete was acclaimed about their arch & an active binding about their throats & chest. Accordingly his assay began to blow aloft the eastern mystical arts.... Where was this NOT traveling to lead?
During this aeon David begin himself advance into a 600%2B book 'read-a-thon' that accordingly led him on a arcane boating to age-old Africa, age-old Egypt & a history of the Bible. However Hudson had already amorphous some arcane assay of his own, into the Pharaohs of the 'Old Kingdom' of age-old Egypt. He learnt that not alone were they declared as Gods & abiding but that they were fed this 'what is it' by their High Priests. After he construed that abounding of the Jews of age-old Egypt were in fact metal-smiths & through their foundries bogus their own 'What is it' (Monatomics). Aswell Hudson asserts that if the English begin a way into the 'Great pyramid' & whilst aperture the Kings alcove sarcophagus begin it to be abandoned save for some white powder. Further, he suggests that of all the anatomy of the abundant pyramid is begin alone one word, 'BREAD'. Aswell that the mummies of Pharaohs of the Old Kingdom had never been found...Were they in fact immortal? Perhaps this is why they were never found!
So abounding questions. So abounding possibilities!
Some added contempo history.
The aloft represents a abridged overview of a 9 hr video tape, witnessed by the columnist some seven times in 1997, Hudson fabricated accessible through one of his 18 North American lectures in the mid 90's. The tapes were acclimated to advance his efforts to allure humans & their monies, ability & advice to alpha assembly of a bulb to aftermath these elements in bulk. [To the author's knowledge, his tapes are not accessible but there are assorted abstracts on the net] The columnist has kept almost beside of Hudson's plan through the Internet & added sources alone to apprentice that he managed to accession the monies for bulb architecture but has been baffled via assorted accustomed contest being: In 1998, during construction, there was a above actinic discharge & the EPA affected him to relocate, ambience him aback 18 months & Following this, David had a affection advance acute 6 bypasses with complications but to all letters has recovered OK. [To my knowledge, no actual has been broadcast to associates to date.] Our comments. It is the year 2005 and it is my appearance that Hudson's plan will prove to be abstruse apparently affecting a lot of areas of life, as we apperceive it as able-bodied as aperture new vistas to the animal experience. Further, the breakthrough sciences of Superconductivity & breakthrough tunnelling, Bose-Einstein Condensates, and more, will all be bare to explain this arising annex of physics to call this age-old abracadabra which will added advance to the accurate compassionate of mysticism and spirit itself.

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