Thursday, October 10, 2013

Quantum Physics - Future Gold Mine

Quantum physics will in the abreast approaching be an inevitable, basal and advantageous allotment of acclimatized life. It is coming, and absurd to stop. In fact, we are already there, but accept yet alone aching the apparent of an astronomic iceberg, the majority of which is still hidden and unused. Those who do not apprehend this actuality will be larboard helplessly behind.
In my job I generally appear beyond humans - who should apperceive bigger - who accept that today's engineers just charge to apprentice Newton's mechanics. Talk about active in the past! 300 years, to be added exact... Modern engineers will not be able to action on 300-year-old physics alone! We are talking about the humans who will advance (the abstruse aspects of) our approaching society. Steam engines and added automated accessories of the automated anarchy will never afresh advance to complete breakthroughs that time has continued back passed.
Just as the majority in the mid-1800s did not see the use of costs analysis in electromagnetism, the complete "cutting-edge" axiological analysis at the time, neither do the majority today accept why they should accounts basal and activated analysis in breakthrough physics - they artlessly do not see how revenues will be generated - just the aforementioned happened if Edison and others approved to acquaint electric light. "People are acclimatized to kerosene lamps and will never carelessness them" said the critics...
Today around aggregate in association rests on the actuality that we assuredly accepted and abstruse how to administer electromagnetism. The "information revolution" which we now are active in the bosom of (and brainstorm is cutting-edge-modern) is appropriately based on 150 years old basal analysis in physics.
Albert Einstein said: "You cannot break problems at the aforementioned akin of cerebration that created them." Global warming, radiation risks from nuclear ability and (possibly) adaptable phones charge absolutely new techniques for their solutions - based on accepted (and future) axiological analysis - they cannot be apparent by the technology and the cerebration that acquired them. Perhaps an even bigger botheration is that the developing countries are repeating our old mistakes, animated on by Western corporations, application the aforementioned old technology that gave acceleration to the problems in the aboriginal place.
The physicist and science philosopher Thomas Kuhn coined the appellation "paradigm shift". Normally science develops boring and charcoal aural the aforementioned ample paradigms, i.e. the aforementioned framework. But sometimes revolutions appear that are absurd to access at gradually. Physics has undergone four absolutely big archetype shifts: 1. Newton's mechanics from the 1680s. 2. Maxwell's electrodynamics from the 1860s. 3. Einstein's relativity approach of 1905 (special) and 1915 (general). 4. Breakthrough physics in the 1920s. These are represented in about-face by: 1. Newton's three laws of motion. 2. Maxwell's equations. 3. Einstein's equations. 4. The Schrödinger equation.
It seems that about 50 years is bare to construe advocate accurate discoveries into the aboriginal applied applications, and afterwards almost 100 years the absolutely big money is capitalized from them: The Automated Anarchy was at its aiguille in the 1800s (railways, automated industries, etc.) and was based on Newton's equations. The Information Anarchy - which we reside in appropriate now - is based on Maxwell's equations. The Breakthrough Anarchy is underway, but has almost started.
For a actual continued time to come, all beat applications (medicine, computers, communication, and every added "micro-engineering") will be based on breakthrough physics.
AND the Bill Gates of the new era will be a breakthrough engineer!

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