Thursday, August 8, 2013

World's Uranium Companies Heading to U.S. Stock Exchanges

Three years ago, one could alone accretion Cameco Corp (CCJ) trading on the New York Banal exchange. As of backward November 2006, Energy Metals Corp (EMU) began trading on the NYSE ARCA. Energy Metals is currently developing their Texas uranium in situ accretion abundance for assembly in either backward 2007 or aboriginal 2008.
One bank down on the American Banal Barter is the Fronteer Group (FRG), which is a amalgam gold aggregation captivation uranium-mineralized assets. A contempo access to the American barter is aboriginal pure-play uranium aggregation to barter on this exchange: Uranerz Energy (URZ). Uranerz is now the additional about traded company, afterwards Cameco Corp, in which investors can aswell barter banal options. The advertisement was fabricated at the end of January.
After those, there are a amount of altered companies with some affairs bigger than others. However, afore reviewing those, let's attending at what could able-bodied become the world's additional better uranium company, by bazaar capitalization, afterwards Cameco Corp. On aboriginal Monday morning, Canada's Globe and Mail bi-weekly appear a address that Johannesburg- and Toronto-listed SXR Uranium One (TSX: SXR) planned to access TSX- and AIM-listed UrAsia Energy (TSX: UUU) for about $3 billion. In what has been appear as a affable take-over, SXR Uranium One affairs to affair some $3.1 billion in banal to buy UrAsia. Afore the announcement, SXR was admired at beneath than CDN$2 billion.
In antecedent interviews with SXR Uranium One arch controlling Neal Froneman, he has again told us he wishes to account on a U.S. banal exchange. If and if the accretion closes - it was appear that it should by mid May of this year - the new Uranium One would authority uranium backdrop on four continents: Africa, Australia, Asia and North America. SXR's Dominion uranium abundance should activate bearing this March. UrAsia Energy is currently bearing in Kazakhstan. SXR's Australian 'Honeymoon' in situ bleed uranium operation is appointed to alpha bearing in aboriginal 2008.
According to Canada's civic newspaper, the accumulated companies accept the abeyant to annually aftermath some 19 actor pounds by 2012. That's about what Cameco Corp's Cigar Lake was accepted to aftermath afore the abundance abounding this accomplished October. Since then, Cameco has delayed in announcement if the aggregation believes its uranium abundance will in fact be in appearance to aftermath uranium.
Based aloft our conversations with Neal Froneman, and in ablaze of this new business aggregate creating the world's additional better uranium mining company, it shouldn't be too far into the approaching if Uranium One announces it affairs to account on the New York Banal Exchange. The banderole of their February 12th account absolution announced, "Uranium One and UrAsia Energy Announce Aggregate to Create Emerging Chief Uranium Company." Aside from Cameco Corp, there absolutely is no added chief authentic play uranium company.
As for the blow of the companies now trading on the over the adverse account board, we accept advised two which action achievement to investors. Uranium Energy (OTC BB: URME) affairs to abundance uranium application the in situ accretion (ISR) method. Arch operating administrator Harry Anthony appears to be one of the boys in the ISR club with decades of acquaintance abaft him. He lives and works in south Texas.
After all-encompassing interviews with Mr. Anthony - which we acclimated in our advertisement "Investing in the Great Uranium Bull Market" in answer the ISR adjustment of mining - it became axiomatic to us that if Anthony couldn't get an ISR operation activity in Texas, that no one abroad on the planet was acceptable to do so. From what we understand, Uranium Energy could be bearing uranium by 2009 on its Goliad property.
Another newcomer seems to be accomplishing actual well, Yellowcake Mining (OTCBB: YCKM). While it appears to be a 'new company,' the company's acreage is not. Yellowcake Mining acquired the Juniper Ridge (Wyoming) acreage from assertive Strathmore Minerals (TSX: STM; OTC: STHJF) on January 30th. Antecedent conduct through 1979 categorical up to 15 actor pounds of uranium. Affairs were fabricated in that year to body a 2000-ton/day mill. But, that was the year if uranium appeal fell off, and the comminute was never built. With the uranium amount continuing to arch higher, Yellowcake Mining stands to account from uranium-friendly Wyoming and some of Strathmore Mineral's ability in the anatomy of David Miller.
There are two added aloft uranium companies, both with bazaar capitalizations in balance of C$1 billion: Denison Mines (TSX: DML) and Paladin Resources (TSX: PDN). Both are bearing uranium companies and awful admired in abounding circles for their abstracted achievements. The business aggregate of International Uranium Corporation and Denison Mines has gone calmly so far. Dissatisfied with bearing in just Namibia, Paladin now hopes to abundance uranium abroad in Africa and possibly in Australia. Both adopted companies could be candidates for approaching U.S. banal barter listings.
In 2006, uranium prices about doubled. While 2007 has apparent uranium boring edge college - now at US$75/pound, abounding analysts accept uranium could barter aloft US$100/pound afore this year ends. If that's the case, again we ability apprehend a amount of uranium companies advancing a advertisement on either the New York or American banal exchanges over the next few years.

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