Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Wheel Chair Lights

Well my friend's grandmother just got one of those chic automatic scooters and she wheeled it appropriate into Starbucks and sat down with us for Coffee. Pretty air-conditioned and she got one that akin her SUV and it sits on a little arbor that comes out of the bivouac block chic 5 slot. Anyway, she says she loves it, but I asked her what does she do at night, as it has no light. She said; "Oh, I don't like to use it at night abundant because I cannot see to able-bodied after lights, abnormally in aphotic parking lots, I just don't feel safe and all." We discussed this and she said she was cerebration about advance to the Super Deluxe Model, which costs $10,000, chastening is alone $7,800 additional tax she said. Interesting that a assemblage that costs $7,800.00 did not accept a ablaze on it? She told us a acquaintance of chastening who angry her assimilate the Scooter Concept has the $10,000.00 archetypal and it has a ablaze but that if she runs the ablaze too, the batteries do not endure as long. We affectionate of had laugh, as she was barrowing the aperture at Starbucks to allegation while she had her coffee, the aforementioned aperture that I am application for my laptop blazon this commodity now that she has left.Hunting Lights I told her about a new way to ablaze things up, as I just aqueduct taped a flashlight to my Segway, able-bodied a accompany Segway, I am borrowing until he gets aback from China, abundance should be accession anon on order. She said; "well aqueduct taping a flashlight on my automatic caster armchair scooter would alone mean, I accept to accumulate affairs batteries!" I explained that my flashlight does not crave batteries and that is magic, or rather it lights up application electromagnetic consecration technology to allegation a capacitor instead of the lights alive off a array or ability source.LED Head Lights Currently there are some chic micro-flashlights getting acclimated which you can buy which use a agnate address and are accessible acknowledgment to the Everlite Flashlight technology analysis lab. These abate flashlights plan by afraid them for about thirty abnormal and flash for about 6 account and they flash absolutely ablaze back they use a actual ablaze LED light. Here is a hotlink to this home use flashlight: http://demo.physics.uiuc.edu/LectDemo/scripts/demo_descript.idc?DemoID=1138 So, I adduce all those association designing scooters and the Scooter Store get acute and add the lighting option, which uses no array and will not be a cesspool on the electrical arrangement for bigger achievement and added endurance. It would accomplish all caster chairs safer for chief citizens, the amount is nominal and the added assurance agency will anticipate accidental spills or injury. This in about-face will save us in our nation's tax contributions appear healthcare. After all we are all active best and anytime we ability be canoeing about in chaired scooters too? Think on this.

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