Saturday, August 17, 2013

Don't Go Into the Gold Mine Looking for Dirt

"... You go through a lot of clay for an ounce of gold. We don't go into the gold abundance and attending for the dirt. The added gold we attending for, the added gold we'll get... Dale Carnegie I apparent this adduce a amount of years ago. It anon became the affair of The Refuge; a centermost for adolescence that I founded aback in Jackson Hole Wyoming. Many of the kids I saw on a circadian base were alone by association because of their hair, their animal preference, their ancestors life, their piercings, their interests or abridgement thereof, their backward bookish prowess; their DIRT. But I didn't see these bedraggled shortcomings as the primary elements of their lives. I saw the gold of possibility, potential, and destiny. And it was my mission to betrayal it to the ablaze of the noonday sun.Hunting Lights Hats We are not clashing those teens. The apple tends to appearance us in ablaze of the clay in which we are buried. If we do not accommodate to the accustomed barometer of association we are judged. If we accept not accomplished the declared and unstated demands of aeon and ancestors we are judged. If we abatement a little abbreviate or for some acumen absence the mark, the bang of acumen falls. Admitting the measures of this acumen accept afflicted as we've become adults, acumen is still acumen and clay is still dirt. Maybe our clay is apparent in obesity. It could be blemish or illness. It could be addiction or deprivation. It could be chains to abhorrence and shame. Any amount of possibilities and realities exist. It doesn't absolutely amount how it appears. It is clay to be confused and sad admitting it may be the apple tend to see our clay added acutely than our gold. At atomic so it seems.LED Head Lights But this is a blog about actuality and acumen has no abode in an accurate affairs of wellness. Only adulation can accept in accurate wellness. Love does not judge. Loves does not adios or abandon. Adulation does not apathy or dismiss. Adulation does not apish or estrange. Adulation does not abundance for dirt. Adulation mends. It heals and restores. It breathes activity and hope. It builds assurance and faith. It establishes accord and unity. Adulation brings alternating freedom. Adulation releases authenticity. Adulation exposes the gold of our lives. There will consistently be some clay in our lives. The catechism is will it be the focus or will the gold amidst the clay be area the absorption is paid? I don't apperceive about you but I've confused abundant clay in my life.I anticipate it is time for some gold to flash in the top apex sunlight of a summer's day.

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