Saturday, August 31, 2013

Wine Bottle Mood Light

Make these admirable affection lights for your bar or dining room; accomplish them for gifts; or accomplish them to sell. I advertise abundance for $30. Materials: Empty wine canteen and cork Square agenda adornment box (to anatomy abject for lamp) String of array backpack Christmas lights + batteries Plastic grape cluster Raffia Black aerosol paint Multi-purpose able cement like Household Goop or E-6000 Directions: The abject will be fabricated from the agenda adornment box. Normally the top fits over the basal of the box and forms an overhang. To actualize a bland contour for your base, admeasurement and cut off a band from two of the top's abandon so that the top fits caressible central the base.LED Hunting Lights The basal of the adornment box becomes the top of your lamp's base. Position the array backpack in the bend you accept just cut two strips from. The ancillary of the array backpack with the on/off about-face will be even with the bend of the lamp abject so that the ablaze can be calmly angry on and off. Trace the outline of the array backpack assimilate the added allotment of the box and cut the opening. Refer to the account above. In foreground is the cut box attainable for assembly. In aback is an accumulated lamp abject with the on/off about-face attainable through the opening. Spray the outsides of the two box locations with matte atramentous paint. Allow to dry. Cement the array backpack in abode and let dry. Then breeze the lamp abject together.LED Head Mounted Lights Glue the wine canteen on top of the base. Snake the ablaze cord into the close of the bottle. Try to get the lights to advance out as analogously as possible. It helps to about-face the lights on if you do this. Take several strips of raffia and tie them about the top of the grape cluster. Then tie the raffia and grapes deeply about the close of the canteen (making abiding to go beneath the ablaze string). Tie raffia in a bow and align the raffia strands. Trim the ends to adapted lengths. Leave a little baggy on the wire to accomplish alteration batteries easier. Insert cork.

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