Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Planet Venus is the Light Bringer and the Story Behind the Fall of "Satan" in Isaiah 14

If I anytime heard an Old Testament adventure once, I accept heard this one told ten thousand times. It comes from Isaiah 14.
12 "How art thou collapsed from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst abate the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will appear into heaven, I will acclaim my head aloft the stars of God: I will sit aswell aloft the appear of the congregation, in the abandon of the north:
14 I will appear aloft the heights of the clouds; I will be like the a lot of High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the abandon of the pit.
16 They that see thee shall almost attending aloft thee, and accede thee, saying, Is this the man that fabricated the apple to tremble, that did agitate kingdoms;"
This adventure was THE affidavit that Satan acclimated to be one of God's acceptable guys and again all of a sudden, one day absitively to be yield over aggregate and beating God off His throne. Local boy goes bad I guess. Able-bodied Satan, which appellation is never mentioned here, above Ablaze Bringer which is what Lucifer means, is now the Prince of Black and the blow is history.
What's absolutely traveling on with this story. Did you apperceive that you see this ball actually yield abode assorted mornings and evenings of the year. Did you apperceive that even to this day, this Lucifer is mistaken for UFOs or landing lights! Jesus said he saw Satan abatement as abating from heaven as did millions again and billions today if you apperceive area to look. It's a actual old adventure based on a actual absolute ascertainment by bodies who fabricated up a adventure about what they did not accept at the time.
First of all, let's accept that Isaiah 14 is absolutely not about a Satan the Devil as he has acquired into over the history of the Church. A scripture can never beggarly what it never meant, and this assumption applies to Isaiah 14 for sure. In the aboriginal Hebrew text, the 14th affiliate of Isaiah is not about a collapsed angel, but about a collapsed Babylonian king, who had afflicted the accouchement of Israel. Afterwards in the ambience we see he was a man, who died. Now we generally apprehend that this was a "type" but that's glace arena mostly. Allegory maybe, but not a type, area we can change a man into a Lucifer and again Lucifer into Satan, never mentioned, and again the accomplished affair into how Satan came to be the God of this apple so forward in your tithes and be safe with us. "In the Hebrew argument the announcement acclimated to call the Babylonian baron afore his afterlife is "Helal, son of Shahar", which can best be translated as "Day star, son of the Dawn." The name evokes the aureate beam of a appreciative king's dress and cloister (much as his claimed brightness becoming for Baron Louis XIV of France the appellation, "The Sun King").
{Craig Lyons-Bet Emet Ministries.} The Baron actuality was a man, apparent and simple, and for his arrogant attitude, he got to die like anybody else.
Lucifer agency "Light Bringer" and is a appellation acclimated by Roman astronomers to call the planet Venus. Venus has consistently been the ablaze bringer as it consistently precedes the aboriginal morning sun. It is actual ablaze and actual noticeable, such that it has been confused, as noted, for the landing lights of non-existent airplanes. It is bright, but not as ablaze as the sun of course. In mythology, bodies acclaimed this 'god" that preceded the sun and seemed to be antagonism to the zenith, which in astrotheology is alleged the abode of the "Most High" or audibly put for us today, NOON! Noon is God's head in astrotheological terms. In Isaiah, this "Lightbringer" went afore God, the A lot of High-The SUN. The accomplished point in the sky area the sun or annihilation that shines alfresco the planet can rise, from our perspective. If belief and even the Bible speaks of God as "the a lot of High", one can see the added acceptation that hints at sun worship. The Bible promotes a agnate yet altered anatomy of Sun/Son adoration but that has been absent on a lot of Christians today.
The planet Venus accepted to be an bewilderment for mankind. It's job seemed to be to go afore the morning sun and announce, if you would, it's advancing forth. But then, ablaze as it was and still is, it avalanche from the sky and descends into the ground, or in mythology, seems to be befuddled down. Strange! Not alive that Venus was an close planet and all close planets that circle with the apple about the sun can never canyon over us, east to west as do the alien planets and stars, they had to explain it. Thus we accept the the "fact" that this lightbringer, this Lucifer anon be alleged Satan, MUST accept become discontend with just announcement the Sun God, so MUST accept said in his heart, "I will become the MOST HIGH." Able-bodied that was it for him! The A lot of High, not accommodating to accord up his head to this usurper, artlessly threw him aback down to the earth, or allegedly so at atomic as we attending on the horizon. Afterwards that rather bootless endeavor the degrade God A lot of High, we get ashore with him as Satan adulation of the Church, who bizarre the adventure and ta ta!...The blend the apple in is explained and it isn't the accountability of flesh for the a lot of part. Forever more, we can say, "Satan fabricated me do it." You know, the ablaze and morning brilliant that approved to become God but lost.
It was mostly the Catholic St. Jerome in the fourth aeon who mistranslated the Hebraic metaphor, "Day star, son of the Dawn," as "Lucifer," and over the centuries an change of account took place. Lucifer the morning brilliant became a contrary angel, casting out of heaven to aphorism always in hell mostly cat-and-mouse for all Non-Catholics, but afterwards all Non-Protestants too. Now the Church had it's Prince of the Power of the Air, the Prince of Darkness, the God of this world, The Roaring Lion, the Collapsed Angel, the above Day brilliant (because if you apperceive area to look, Venus can even be apparent in the daytime)...gone bad.
Interesting enough, even Jesus, able-bodied the Jesus of Revelation who bears no affinity to the Jesus of the Gospels, identifies himself as the morning star, a appellation acclimated as a axial affair in abounding Christian sermons. Jesus refers to himself as the morning brilliant in Revelation 22:16: "I Jesus accept beatific abundance angel to affirm unto you these things in the churches. I am the basis and the baby of David, and the ablaze and morning star."
So actuality we accept it. Bodies could never absolutely explain why this ablaze "star" we apperceive as the planet Venus, preceded the morning Sun as if to advertise it's arrival, but again comatose aback to earth. Actual strange! Let's accomplish up a story! This ablaze light, an Angel, the Lightbringer and accessory celestial compared to the SUN, absolutely went bad and absitively to beating the SUN GOD, and afterwards the SON of GOD, off the throne, which is area the SUN rises to if it becomes the MOST HIGH at NOON. God, not putting up with that, artlessly threw Lucifer, now Satan or the Destroyer, aback down to apple area he belongs and bodies can get ashore with him until the SON of the SUN God comes aback to abort the works of the Ablaze Bringer now gone dark. Great story! In Isaiah 14, this assuming baron was acting just like that in cerebration he could beating Israel out of the picture, he lost, was befuddled down and died, just like that planet Venus every morning. So don't blend with God's called ones!19 But thou art casting out of thy grave like an abhorrent branch, and as the accoutrement of those that are slain, advance through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase formed beneath feet.
In the absolute adventure of the absolute animal baron of Isaiah 14, we see he dies like all bitter men and is not able-bodied anticipation of for cerebration he could claiming Israel. In ballad 19 we read, "But thou art casting out of thy grave like an abhorrent branch, and as the accoutrement of those that are slain, advance through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a body formed beneath feet. 20 Thou shalt not be abutting with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and collapsed thy people: the berry of evildoers shall never be renowned." Graves, carcasses, pits, burials and abeyance are all appearance of what happens to humans, not Angels or mini-gods.
It's interesting, Venus aswell rises evenings affably ablaze afterwards the sun sets, and again avalanche aback to apple too. Perhaps Satan just advancing out from the abyss of black for a aiguille and to let us apperceive he still rules it afore traveling aback an hour or so afterwards afterwards "Sun Set" area even the A lot of High Sun goes every night, in Eqyptian history to claiming "SET" God of the Underworld. Makes you admiration about belief about Sons of the Sun admonition to alcohol in "prison." But that's addition story.
So if you see Venus aboriginal in the morning if you drive to plan and anticipate either a alternation if low abundant or a even searching for abode to acreage is advancing appropriate at YOU, apperceive that's alone the Ablaze Bringer, Lucifer, afterwards your accomplished nemesis Satan, announcement "But unto you that abhorrence my name shall the Sun of appropriateness appear with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and abound up as beasts of the stall" Malachi 4:2. Notice it doesn't say "Son". Anticipate of wings added like application and you'll get the picture. That planet Vensus, so admirable is answer a abnormality that we yield for accepted to animal beings continued ago who feared such things and artlessly had to appear up with a canon to explain it. Now you can say you saw Satan abatement as abating from heaven air-conditioned is that!

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