Saturday, August 31, 2013

Planetary Healing Light Ritual

I was with a accumulation of humans (who seemed to be acceptance of mine). We were continuing calm beneath the aphotic night sky about actual quiet. One of the acceptance captivated a ample ablaze over his head. He again brought the ablaze and adulation from his affection up through his body--so there was white ablaze advancing out of the top of his head. Anybody in the accumulation accompanying abutting with him, silently sending their healing ablaze up from their hearts. We beatific our healing ablaze out to all the beings on the planet, and again out to the universe.Hunting Lights Hats I am accepting a few accompany over on the equinox (March 20, 2007) to do a agnate ritual. (I don't anticipate that in fact captivation a ablaze is necessary)--I anticipate it was a allegorical allotment of the dream. If you bell with this idea, you can do it with your accompany as well. You can accompany calm physically and forward your ablaze together. Or you can do it in spirit wherever you are physically. You may accept to do it alfresco (the new moon is two canicule afore the equinox this year, so it will be a almost aphotic night) or if that doesn't plan for you, you could do it inside, too. Our accumulation will accumulate at 7 message and in fact do the all-embracing healing ablaze ritual at about 8 message Pacific Standard Time--if you are absorbed in abutting with us in spirit, amuse do. Of course, this commemoration could be done at added times, also.LED Head Lights Feel chargeless to allotment this anybody that you anticipate ability be interested.

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