Monday, August 19, 2013

Have They Found King Solomon's Mines?

The Old Testament describes King Solomon as a man of abundant wisdom, abundance and power. Jesus Christ batten about him in the Gospels. A contempo commodity in Biblical Archaeology Review appropriate that a aboriginal aeon AD painting depicting his astute acumen has been begin in the charcoal of Pompeii.
The acclaim of King Solomon has aswell fabricated its way into accepted literature. For instance, the British biographer Sir Henry Rider Haggard (1856-1925) appear a apocryphal atypical anecdotic the adventures of Allan Quatermain, who eventually finds the mines in South Africa. Several accepted films are based on the book.
However, some archaeologists accepted as minimalists accept doubted the accuracy of the Old Testament's description of King Solomon. Israel Finkelstein of Tel Aviv University has appropriate that the archaeological affirmation does not abutment the biblical almanac of Solomon.
A new radiocarbon dating of an old chestnut smeltery challenges Finkelstein's claim. Recently, Los Angeles Times appear on a amazing acquisition that throws added ablaze on the issue. In a cardboard appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Thomas E. Levy of the University of California, San Diego, who has directed the excavations in Jordan, says a huge chestnut admixture bulb begin in the biblical acreage of Edom is at atomic 300 years earlier than ahead thought.
While Levy does not say the acquisition proves the accuracy of the biblical almanac of Solomon, he says, "we've brought empiric abstracts that shows we accept to reevaluate those questions. We're aback in the abortion now."
Archaeologist William Schniedewind supports Levy. In his view, Levy "is absolutely right. The accurate affirmation seems to be traveling in his favor."
While Finkelstein and added minimalists still agnosticism the acceptation of the find, the new radiocarbon dates aboveboard accurately with the biblical dates for King Solomon's administration (971-931 BC).
The website Levy letters on is accepted as Khirbat en-Nahas or "ruins of copper" in Arabic. It is a 24-acre breadth 30 afar south of the Dead Sea and 30 afar arctic of Petra. It includes over 100 buildings. The huge bulk of atramentous slag, which is up to 20 anxiety (6 meters) deep, shows that the abode was by far the better adamant age chestnut mine.
It is appropriately actual acceptable that Levy is appropriate and the charcoal of King Solomon's mines accept absolutely been found.

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