Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sunny 16 Rule -- Light Readings Without a Light Meter

Ever get bent after a ablaze meter? Stuck on an important photoghrapic campaign after a way of free your acknowledgment settings? Well I have, and it formed out ok, acknowledgment to the Brilliant 16 Aphorism and authentic application of years of experience. Here's the adventure surrounding this accident and how it formed out.
High Investment Trip
For over 12 months I'd planned and able for this wilderness mural photography cruise to outback South Australia. I'd apprenticed about a third of the way beyond the abstemious to get to my home abject at Roxby Downs, a mining boondocks in the barren desert. I'd apprenticed on pastoral abject anchorage for 82 km to Bosworth Abject Homestead area I larboard the car and trailer. I'd ridden on my ATV (that's a four caster motorbike) for two hours over the roughest and rockiest arena you could brainstorm and set up a abject affected on Andamooka Island.
Light Beat Lost
I camped the aboriginal night and went photographing just on daylight. At the alpha of my afternoon photo affair my ablaze beat was missing. It accept to accept collapsed out of my covering abridged while I was riding. If you could see the million, abundance rocks broadcast over the arid and area I'd been on the bike, you'd accept that it just wasn't account searching for the meter. 5 canicule of photographing in foreground of me and no way of accepting authentic ablaze readings.
Applying the Brilliant 16 Rule
The Brilliant 16 Aphorism says that on a brilliant day the acknowledgment is the alternate of the blur acceleration at f16. That's 1/ISO @ f16 Here's how I activated the rule, authoritative addendum and an acknowledgment table in my notebook:
First of all, amuse accept that there are a amount of things in activity area too abundant is bigger than not enough. Among them are your breakfast, your pay and blur exposure. I was application 160 ISO blur and the abutting bang acceleration was 1/125 so I added 1/3 stop to band up with the accessible bang speeds. That gave me 1/125 @ f16.
Next, it was winter so I added addition stop. That fabricated it 1/60 @ f16. That was accomplished for the average of the day.
Being winter, the bend of the sun was low all day so I was photographing for a lot of of the time except for a while about apex if I went aback to my affected for a feed.
The aloft blur acknowledgment wouldn't do for the aboriginal and backward shots as the ablaze akin was decreased. For the aboriginal and endure bisected hour of the day I added addition two stops authoritative the acknowledgment 1/15 @ f16. Then for the two hours on the apex ancillary of that, I added one stop to the average of the day reading, authoritative the acknowledgment 1/30 @ f16 for that time period.
Of course, if I acclimated the polarizing clarify I added addition two stops. If application 400 ISO atramentous and white blur I fabricated a new set of abstracts abacus three stops for the red filter.
In adjustment to dispense abyss of acreage I afflicted the acknowledgment settings around, 1/8 @ f16 acceptable 1/4 @ f22, application the polarizing clarify in the aboriginal morning.
Checking the Figures
Well, a fair bit of searching at the ablaze and blockage the abstracts went on for the next 5 days. If I got aback to Roxby Downs I acclimated addition beat to analysis my acknowledgment calculations at assorted times of the day and began to feel added at ease.
Great Negatives
When I got home and candy the atramentous and white blur and in due corse got the colour negatives and CD aback from the lab, I was adequate and captivated to acquisition that my exposures were appealing abutting to actual with acceptable detail through the abounding tonal ambit from caliginosity to highlights.
Memorize the Brilliant 16 Rule
When I get a new beat I'll accumulate it on a bond about my close in such situations. I'll aswell accumulate the Brilliant 16 Aphorism in the aback of my arch in case I charge it afresh one day. Remember: f16 @ 1/ISO.

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