Wednesday, August 21, 2013

From Darkness to Light

Once aloft a time, there was a acclaimed painter. He absitively by accomplish a painting of the noblest being on the world. He catholic far and advanced and assuredly he begin a saint on a abundance who was acclaimed for his wisdom. If he met him, the saint was amidst by innumerable followers who admired him like God. The painter requested him that he capital to accomplish his painting and the saint agreed. The painter fabricated his paining and kept in his cartoon room.
Many years passed. The painter absitively that he should accomplish the painting of the a lot of angry man of the world. He catholic far and advanced and assuredly begin a being in a bastille who was ability abuse for innumerable abhorrent crimes. He took permission from the jailer for authoritative the painting of the angry man and brought him home. The angry man asked, "Why do you wish to accomplish my paining?" "Because you the a lot of angry being on this world", replied the painter.
In the cartoon room, he asked the angry man to sit on a armchair and started authoritative his painting. The angry man saw afore him the painting of the noblest man and asked the painter, "Who is that man?"
"He is the noblest man on this world". The painter replied
One alert this, the angry man declared arrant profusely.
"Why are you crying?" Asked the painter. "Are you activity abashed on yourself sitting adverse the noblest man of the world?"
"No." replied the painter. "The added painting is aswell mine."
The apple is acutely mysterious. How bound a acceptable man can become evil, is difficult to imagine. Humans are all blue-blooded as child. Yet as they grow, abounding of them become evil. They may access all abundance and ability of this world, yet beatitude deludes them, as abandoned acceptable can accompany happiness.
Why one becomes evil?
However harder the God and man tried, evil, has consistently survived in this world. In scriptures, angry is compared with black and bamboozlement while acceptable is compared with ablaze and truth. An age-old adoration expresses the admiration of every man in afterward words
"Lord, yield me from the black to light, from bamboozlement to accuracy and from affection to acceptable health."
Evil is like a black which is consistently present in the world. It is removed abandoned by the light. As anon as the ablaze is diminished, black prevails. Black like benightedness is the a lot of accustomed accompaniment of the world. Ablaze like Accuracy requires activity appropriately a antecedent of the energy. It is simple to say "I don't know" again to say "I know". You crave no accomplishment for "not knowing" a affair but charge accomplishment to "know" a thing. The abandoned adjustment to abstain black is to seek light. Jesus said (John 11:9-10)
A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world's light. It is if he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light."
However, black is intoxicating. Already a being gets acclimated to darkness, he avalanche in the allurement of evil. He hardly seeks ablaze and prefers black area all his angry accomplishments can be hidden. In the words of Jesus Christ (John 2: 19-21)
Light has appear to this world, but men admired darkness, instead of light, because their accomplishments were evil. Everyone who does angry hates the light, and will not appear to the ablaze for abhorrence that his accomplishments will be exposed. But whoever lives by accuracy comes to the light, so that it may be apparent audibly that what he has done has been done through God."
God is appropriately alike to ablaze and truth. A man after the ablaze can never appear out of darkness. However, just like a baby candle can lighten a big room, so a man of ablaze can brighten millions of aphotic hearts. An age-old adventure explains this truth.
Many bags years back, there was a brigand in a boscage who acclimated to boodle the cartage casual through the jungle. Once, few saints were casual through the boscage if the brigand chock-full them and asked them to abandonment whatever ascendancy they had. A saint asked the bandit, "Why is accomplishing this? Don't you apperceive it is sin to boodle other's wealth?"
"I am bell it for my family. I augment them with all I get from this act." the brigand replied.
"But you are authoritative a big mistake. Aback you are accomplishing the act of looting, you accept to backpack all the accountability of sin. Your ancestors may be administration the loot, but will they aswell allotment your sin?" asked the saint.
"Surely they will. If they allotment the loot, why shall they not allotment the sin." replied the brigand confidently.
"Please go and ask your ancestors members, if they are accommodating to allotment your sin. If they are willing, amuse yield all we have." The saint told the bandit.
The brigand went to his home and asked anniversary affiliate of his family, if they were accommodating to allotment his sin. However all associates replied that aback he was committing the sins, abandoned he accept to yield the responsibility. They showed their abhorrence to allotment his sin.
The brigand accomplished his aberration and came aback to the saints. He felled on their anxiety and approved their forgiveness. "Only God can absolve you. Amuse go and casualty to God and He will absolve you and accord you light" said the saint.
The brigand preyed for abounding years and approved ablaze from the God. He got broad-mindedness and after wrote the a lot of acclaimed ballsy scripture Ramayana (The adventure of Rama, the God) and admired as one of the greatest saint of India even today.
The transformation of the man is abundant easier than imagines as advantage is consistently present in him. With little light, a angry man can transform himself into an angel. Upanishads said that anniversary man is the replica of the Universe (I am the Universe). He has aggregate what is there in this world. So every man has angry and acceptable in him. All it needs is a admiration to abolish black and a atom of light. Already the admiration is born, Lord provides the ablaze for the enlightenment. However, generally the men bare some array of shock or activate to apprehend themselves.
Tusidas was just an accustomed man who was in abysmal adulation of his wife. He could not buck the break from his wife, if she went to her parent's home. Unable to ascendancy his lust, he entered into her abode surreptitiously in night. When, he met her wife, she sarcastically said, "If you would accept admired God in the aforementioned way, you would accept got Him." Tulsidas acquainted abashed and abashed on himself. He larboard her abode and started bloodthirsty God for light. Assuredly he got broad-mindedness and became one of the gretest saint and artist of India. He wrote Ramcharitmans and abounding added ballsy balladry which fabricated him the a lot of acclaimed artist in India.
The seek of Light
Light has a appropriate properly. It is consistently hidden in aphotic substances. A bout stick has no light, unless it is aching on the match-box. All burnable fuels are aphotic and needs agitation to aftermath light. Yet it is aswell a actuality that every actuality contains light, which is arresting if it is burned.
Man himself is the greatest antecedent of light. Yet the ablaze lies abeyant in him till it is ignited. Often, he seeks ablaze abandoned if he stumbles in the darkness. Then, he hates the bamboozlement in him and the ablaze is automatically built-in in him. In Gita (IV 7-8) Lord Krishna says
"Whenever the Accuracy declines and the Bamboozlement prevail, I (God) yield bearing in altered forms to save the acceptable and abort the angry for establishing the appropriateness in this world".
Thus, abandoned by invoking acceptance in God, one can accept ablaze as God abandoned is light. However, we generally think, that we can acquisition the ablaze even after God's advice i.e. by the abstraction of the scripture or the books.
Scientists abjure the actuality of God and the soul. Appropriately they accept that all evils in this apple can be alone by argumentation and acumen with the alone i.e. by influencing the mind. It is argued that humans would leave the aisle of angry or abolition by acumen and able guidance. However, it is able-bodied accepted that the humans who chase the angry aisle (like abomination or addiction) accept no absence of knowledge. Yet, it is hasty that they acquisition it difficult to argue their apperception to chase the appropriate path.
This abstruseness is apparent in Gita. Gita (III 42-43) explains the accord of body, senses, mind, Alone Intelligence (Soul) and the Universal Intelligence (God) in the afterward words.
The senses are aloft to the body. Aloft the senses is the mind, aloft the apperception is the physique (individual intelligence) and aloft the physique is God (Universal Intelligence). Appropriately acumen God to be aloft to intelligence, ascendancy the physique by the physique and abort lust, the abiding adversary of man.
Thus the apperception can never be controlled by argumentation as it consistently acquisition argumentation for accomplishing the activity that it desires. A bandit has abounding affidavit to steal, a assassin has abounding affidavit to annihilate and a biologic aficionado acquisition abounding absolution in his acts. Smoking and Alcoholism are demography catching admeasurement admitting of the acquaintance created by the media and the governments all over the world. It is so because the apperception is controlled by the intelligence of the person. Apperception knows both blazon of argumentation (for and against) of any activity but it is the "intelligence" that determines which argumentation would be called by the person. However, intelligence can't be afflicted by the acumen of apperception but abandoned by acceptance in God or Spiritual force. However, already a man gets the atom of light, the absolute black central is vanished and the being is adapted from angry to good.
Faith is the foundation for Light
A man after acceptance generally finds it difficult to chronicle himself with the world. Argumentation is absolutely brief as it changes with time and situation. A man after acceptance is anon absorbed into black and losses the faculty of appropriate and wrong, acceptable and evil, accuracy and untruth. Abounding abundant humans angry from acceptable to angry as they absent light. The account includes the actual personalities like Stalin, Mao and Hitler who had every absolution for all their acts and they capital to accomplish the apple based on their logic. They all absent administration as they absent acceptance in God.
Hence in the end, their acts were not adjudged as acceptable but as angry by their own humans whose account they did all the evil. The adventure of painter may be abstract but the bulletin in it is absolutely real. Just like it takes no accomplishment in falling from a acme to a gutter, analogously no accomplishment is appropriate in falling from acceptable to evil, or from ablaze to darkness. Yet it requires ample accomplishment to actualize ablaze and to accomplish acceptable deeds. One needs to accordingly consistently admiration and casualty for ablaze which can appear abandoned from central by acceptance which enables the physique of man to be guided by the Universal Physique or God.
Life is a abstruseness which can not be explained either by science or by scriptures. Accuracy has a physique and a physique which we alarm science and religion. Contrary to accepted perception, they are not against to anniversary added but accompaniment anniversary added like physique and soul. In fact, they can not abide after anniversary other.

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