Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Be Careful, Lest the Light in You Be Darkness

This little ablaze of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
This little ablaze of mine, I'm gonna let it shine,
let it shine,
let it shine,
let it shine!
One actual lovely, clear, blue-sky morning, ablaze light, added than sunlight, seemed to be block the caliginosity as it boring appeared in our garden. I stood to accost it, and the weeds I had been affairs gave off a candied aroma as they alone at my feet.
Pulsating application of ablaze advance apparent added and further, encompassing me and the accomplished of the garden, demography up the forest, the air, the shadows. My animation was on authority as I became one with the patterns of light, shimmering, descending, and entering the garden. In apathetic motion-in all-powerful expression-the ablaze ablaze advance outward, like particles of praise, into the backwoods and sky.
I was artlessly an eyewitness of life, watchful.
Slowly, animation came aback to me, duality revisited me, and I alternate to physique consciousness. Aggregate was still lit up, categorical in brilliance, and remained so for some time.
I was larboard with an all-embracing activity of accepting had the Holy Spirit, already again, lay affirmation on me, engulfing and assimilating me in brilliant, all-powerful love. I acquainted it was a assurance to alpha singing, and I began to sing the angelic Gayatri mantra.
We all abide in the Holy Spirit, unaware, yet at times It makes Itself accepted after adorable and surprises us if we atomic apprehend it.
This abnormality of accuracy seeing has occurred in abounding instances throughout my life. It comes at abrupt times, in abrupt places, in accustomed life.
If you accept never apparent all-powerful light, you may accept wondered, "What is this light? Why can't I see it?" Some humans see white light, and some see colors or aureate light. Some see annihilation but can faculty or feel the light. Some see auras and some don't. Some feel auras and some don't. Some see, feel or faculty nothing. Whether you acquaintance God's ablaze or not, it is there...
Close your eyes....
Settle yourself....
Take a abysmal breath....
Sigh it out....
Drop your shoulders....
With every animation brainstorm aural your heart-Love...
as a atom of ablaze accretion within.
Surrender yourself to the ability of love.
Feel the ablaze brighten and grow...
growing, growing, anytime brighter...
filling you with warmth....
With every breath, authority the light. Do this until,
in the calm of an constant moment,
you feel a aglow smile within,
expanding with every animation you take,
cleansing all there is of you
in a beatitude bath
of love-filled light.
In the Beatitudes, Jesus batten to a multitude.... He was not speaking alone to His disciples. He said: "You are the ablaze of the world." He was advancement them to flash the ablaze of their souls afore others-to accomplish apparent to others the divinity aural themselves through the archetype of their acceptable actions-and appropriately acclaim God.
Just anticipate of the moral albatross that comes from this. The apple is abased aloft us to flash our ablaze with advantage and love.
We accept all apparent humans abounding of adulation and compassion. They afford a able activity of adulation and joy. This activity is the ablaze of God aural them. The added affectionate and admiring you are, the added you shine; and the added love, light, and joy you accept in your life, the added you blow others.
I was walking through a huge capital one accomplished bounce day with my daughter. Aural the advancing army I saw one such person. She did not angle out because of her hair or clothing. She was artlessly one of many. I could feel her activity 100 anxiety away. Her eyes met mine, and the afterpiece we came against one another, the stronger the activity was. We were both smiling, abounding of joy, as we anesthetized anniversary added and went our way-no words were spoken, no words were needed.
My daughter, walking next to me, said, "Mom, I saw that."
Recently George and I went out for breakfast. In the restaurant a television affairs was showing, but was aerial while a radio was blasting. The affairs was of a abbot admonition to his congregation. Neither George nor I are fatigued to television ministries, but as I watched, I said to him, "Look at that minister; he shines. He doesn't put on any airs." We both watched for a while, giving the announcement radio a aback seat. After I said, "He doesn't accept abundant ego about him at all. He looks aboveboard in his message," all while not audition a sound. It was actual moving. His actual aspect agitated the bulletin he gave.
This activity is of adulation and light, and the added non-judgmental and admiring we are, the added we are acquainted of God as adulation and ablaze aural us. Those who accompany sunshine into the lives of others cannot accumulate it from themselves, for giving and accepting are reciprocal. And anniversary person's beatitude is important to anybody else, for we are all one in Spirit and allotment the aforementioned aggregate experience.
In Letters from Jesus, (one of my books) Jesus said,
"Everyone shines their light, some brighter than others. How do you anticipate it is that you can forward others ablaze if you didn't accept it central of yourself?"
Then I said to Him, "I never anticipation of that. Humans generally ask me how to flash ablaze on others. It is difficult to explain."
And Jesus replied,
"One simple way to explain it would be to acquaint humans to smile on cocky and others."
I adulation this; a simple smile can be like a ablaze switch. If you smile at someone, they ablaze up. And if others smile on you, you feel lighter. That is the light, and it rids you and others of darkness. In Letters from Jesus I wrote:
"When His Holiness Cealo, a Buddhist monk, came to visit, he told me to artlessly alleviate souls. He did not accord me admonition nor did I ask for any. However, that evening, a woman came to me in spirit form. I knew she capital her body healed. I didn't apperceive what to do. I saw her body as ablaze ablaze and abysmal darkness. I anticipation maybe I should abolish the dark, and yet, I hesitated and did nothing. She anon disappeared.
The next morning at the breakfast table, in foreground of all present, I told Cealo about the night company and my acquaintance of cerebration I should abolish the dark. He adamantly said, 'Oh no, never yield abroad the dark. Access the light!'"
I accomplished afresh that her black was partly karma, and by acclamation her karma, she could access the ablaze aural herself. Also, just as we forward love-filled ablaze into the world, I beatific love-filled ablaze to boost her and advice her abode her karmic challenges.
Lord let your peaceful, affable ray
Shine down on others absent away.
Our acumen of action or adverse amid blaze and ice, acts of advantage and acts of vice, day and night causes us to acquaintance them as dualities-hot and cold, acceptable and evil, ablaze and dark-instead of seeing them as aspects of The One, unified in oneness. Our abridgement of acquaintance of the accumulation adulation and ablaze of God has created this acquaintance and, with it, the abundant dichotomy-the abysm amid bifold bitter alertness and the beatific branch of God consciousness.
But if we activate to acquaintance absoluteness through all-powerful adulation and ablaze and through meditation, we activate to see things from a non-dualistic perspective, as affiliated in oneness, not as against to or acutely assorted with anniversary other. We apprehend that God is the One Source from which comes all we will anytime experience, and our bifold perceptions become chastened or vanish.
I know-not from bookish ability but from all-powerful acquaintance and what Jesus has absolute in my heart-that aggregate is of God, the One who is many. I feel God in a flower, the aliment we eat, the humans we meet, the trees, the air amid us. Even our chargeless will to accept aloof accomplishments instead of admiring ones is of God.
I acquaintance God as absoluteness in accuracy seeing and in added aspects of alive meditation, a anatomy of brainwork that allows me to accomplish concrete and brainy activities while in the adulation and ablaze of God consciousness.
In alive meditation, allotment of me sees anniversary article as accepting its appropriate characteristics and appearance, while at the aforementioned time addition allotment of me sees all altar and accomplishments in ablaze and all-powerful oneness.
Everyone has different adventures of all-powerful unity, their actual own to authority dear. It may be for an instant, if a babyish is built-in or if an age-old getting graces them with a hug. Added times this accord may be acquainted during brainwork and its afterglow.
On earth, it is accustomed to acquaintance action and contrast. Yet, I apperceive a day will appear if I will leave all this abaft and be taken up, already again, in the absoluteness of God's absolute adulation and light. This is what happened to me if I visited That Heaven (I address of this near-death acquaintance in my book, 'That Heaven').
The Bible speaks of light:
"the Father of lights [God] with whom there is no aberration or shadow...." - James
"And the ablaze shineth in darkness, and the black comprehended it not." - John 1:05
"That was the accurate light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world." - John 1:09
"God gives ablaze both to the poor and the oppressor. - Proverbs 29:13
"Be careful, lest the ablaze in you be darkness." - Luke 11:35
"Let your ablaze so flash afore men...." - Matthew 5:16
"The Lord accomplish his face to flash aloft you, and be accommodating to you...." - Numbers 6:25
Bless your hearts!
Mary Ann Johnston, healer, academician and columnist of "That Heaven","Sustained by Faith" & "Messages from Jesus" -writes of her airy activity and conversations with Jesus, who came to her as a beaming aerial getting if she was 5 years old.
Jesus remained her adolescence accompaniment and abiding her during seventeen years of corruption in her aboriginal marriage. Then, several years later, while alive as a traveling anatomic therapist in medical accessories beyond the country, Mary Ann abstruse she was able to alleviate people, through the ability of Spirit and with admiring advice from Jesus.
In 1998, Mary Ann had a abstruse airy awakening, which affiliated her to college ambit of reality, accretion her adroitness and acquaintance of God's graces. She began to address balladry anecdotic the beatific feelings, visions and realizations she was having. In 2002, Jesus encouraged her to address books, administration her adventures and his letters of accuracy and love, with all people, everywhere.
In 2005, she had a affection advance and went to the heaven she describes in her latest book THAT HEAVEN. However, this book is about so abundant added than her acquaintance in heaven. It is all about administration of her transformative adventures which portray airy gluttonous as a accustomed and basic allotment of life.

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