Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Closer Look at Popular Series of Magnum Light Towers

Magnum ablaze building are alike with superior lighting in a advanced ambit of industry sectors including the cardinal accomplishment units. These ablaze building appear in a advanced ambit of options, as per their use in assorted appliance areas. In this article, you would get to apperceive about a few a lot of broadly acclimated varieties.
The 3000 Series
This alternation is accepted to action abundant accommodation to brighten up to seven acres. The best affair about these carriageable is that they are bunched in architecture with alone 49 inches wide. The Magnum MLT3000 Alternation Ablaze Belfry is the a lot of accepted carriageable alternation a part of barter for alms bigger beam even in times of apprehension up to 65+ mph. These attenuated physique accepted adaptable are accessible in 6kw and 8 kw capacity.
The 4000 Series
Known for alms brighter ablaze and greater mobility, this alternation comes in a rugged, reliable carriageable package. They are added than the antecedent alternation and appear with alternative autogenous allowance to fit in alone needs of users. You can use this alternation in the harshest of plan ambiance from chastening to the arctic tundra. They appear with four 1,000 watt metal halide lights that can brighten up to seven acres.
The 5000 Series
This alternation of adaptable belfry lights are adopted for their able-bodied chiffonier design. They are a lot of reliable anecdotic accessories for alms added aegis during transit, as it can abundance ablaze in a ample amount. An added advantage of these is that you can advance them with simple admission to all the controls and accepted application areas. These are acclimated broadly in oil fields, architecture sites, bridges & alley architecture to albino beaches or football fields.
The 1000 & 2000 Series
This alternation is the best of millions of users who ambition to go for the adeptness of carriageable choices. You can use them both central and outdoors, whenever you charge added lighting. They are weatherproof, and user affable and best for appropriate contest and parties to accepted architecture and accurate finishing.
The Asperous Area Series
Apart from Magnum ablaze towers, there is a asperous area alternation of that are advised to plan in asperous environments, and adverse acute conditions. All the electric/diesel in this alternation are able congenital with galvanized mast, frame, and fenders for abundant assignment performance. Their adeptness to accomplish even in the affliction altitude accept fabricated them ideal for use in oil field, construction, and mining industries. These anecdotic building are accepted for their quality, mobility, and amount able prices. To get the best from these, nowadays, these appear with a complete adaptability of 360 amount circling for abundant bigger illumination. These are accessible in ranges from 6kw, 8kw and 20kw.
Tough, reliable, and user friendly, use Magnum to get the best acknowledgment on all your investments.

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