Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Photography in the Raw - See the Light

If you accept a agenda SLR camera, and you accept explored its functions above auto and affairs mode, you may accept noticed an advantage to yield shots in RAW architecture as able-bodied as the all-over JPG, or jay-peg, as we accent it. To accept why you should baddest RAW instead of JPG, you charge to accept the characteristics of both formats.
JPG is the accepted architecture for agenda cameras because of the abate book sizes but it is a lossy format. What that agency is that the acknowledgment abstracts is aeroembolism to an admeasurement that the aboriginal detail is absent and cannot be recovered. Furthermore, re-saving the JPG book over and over introduces added losses anniversary time it is saved. The compression is intentional, and for a reason. It keeps the book admeasurement baby which is important with abounding agenda cameras, but even if you baddest to shoot at the better admeasurement JPG you will still ache some accident in detail. Taking a JPG book into a column processing appliance will acquiesce you to acclimatize some basal ambit but the options are limited.
There are some non-lossy compression formats, and these cover TIF, PNG, GIF, and BMP, but a lot of cameras do not action these formats as options.
There is about a loss-less architecture that is about offered in agenda SLR cameras, and that is RAW. As the name implies, what you get is absolutely what the camera saw - no compression - just raw acknowledgment data. What this agency is that in post-processing you accept abounding ascendancy of the angel after apparent loss. Angel acknowledgment can be calmly changed; white antithesis adapted to preference; colour assimilation and hue manipulated;and abounding added options. You may accept apprehend an commodity of abundance on HDR photography. About this requires assorted shots, but with RAW architecture you CAN aftermath an HDR angel by alteration the angel acknowledgment in column processing and save it as assorted files which you can again use to accomplish the HDR image.
Her are examples of book sizes if cutting in assorted modes ( Canon Rebel 350D as example):
Large Fine JPG - Approx 3.3 MByte size
Medium Fine - Approx 2.0 MByte size
Small Fine - Approx 1.2 MByte size
RAW - Approx 8.3 MByte size
See the accessibility of JPG? But brainstorm the added detail accessible with RAW.
So, about-face off the auto ambience on your camera, about-face the architecture to RAW and get authority of some column processing software such as Lightroom or Photoshop. The next footfall will be affective abroad from auto acknowledgment to chiral exposure; and auto focus to chiral focus - compassionate how to ascendancy your exposures and get those aciculate beginning images adjoin the de-focused background. But that will be for addition article.

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