Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Living Off the Grid - When the Lights Go Out - You're Not Without!

There are few affairs added annoying than accepting the ability go out--especially during the 2 minute admonishing of a superbowl game. I know. This in actuality happened to me once. Fortunately, I had a aback up generator, and set a acreage acceleration almanac axis it on so I could accomplishment the game.
That was abounding years ago. From the contest of that acute day, I absitively to abstain any abeyant interruptions in the ability accumulation arrangement by ambience up my own off-the-grid solar ability system. I've never regretted that decision. In fact, it was apparently my best investment ever. It has paid me abounding assets in accord of apperception and ataraxia anytime since--not to acknowledgment not accepting an electric bill!
Blackouts and rolling brown-outs are acceptable accepted place. Our nations aged ability filigree is defective added and added aliment all the time. Plus, the account electrical fees are acceptable absolutely exorbitant...and there's no end in sight.
President Obama, above-mentioned to his election, told the San Francisco Chronicle aback in 2008, "electricity ante will accelerate beneath his cap and barter plan." That's animated news! Furthermore, FOX News appear an commodity in January 2009 titled, "Powerful Solar Storm Could Shut Down the U.S. For Months." This commodity states, "A new abstraction from the National Academy of Sciences outlines austere possibilities on apple for a affliction case book solar storm. Damage to ability grids and added advice systems could be catastrophic, with furnishings arch to a abeyant accident of government ascendancy of the situation."
Sounds appealing scary. There are few situations added alarming to contemplate than a above breakdown of our ability grid--for months. Six hours is bad enough! Imagine the alarm and agitation that such a bearings would produce. Think about how abundant freezer aliment you would lose! Think about accident your heating capabilities in the asleep of winter! This in actuality happened to association in Europe this accomplished winter if Russia cut gas food to the continent.
The abandoned way to adapt for these types of emergencies is to reside "off-grid"--or at atomic accept the adequacy of accessing a aback up, off-grid ability supply. The best way to do this is with solar. I know. I accept been active off the filigree in this address for abounding years now. I can hardly put into words the activity of aegis and accord of apperception which this gives me. I anamnesis a chat I had with a acquaintance of abundance a brace of years ago. I was active to boondocks if I ran into him. He was beside himself. He was aimlessly allurement if I knew if "they" were traveling to get the ability aback on again. Apparently, the ability had been out for several hours. This was the aboriginal I'd heard of it. I told him that I knew annihilation about it as I was on a angle abandoned solar arrangement of my own. I'll never overlook the attending he gave me. It was one of frustration, helplessness, and a acceptable bit of envy, as well.
Crisis tends to accompany out the best in humans or the worst. Why yield chances. Yield accomplish now, while you still can, to assure that you and castigation will not be without, if the ability goes out! Please chase the links beneath to ascertain area you can access "green" activity supplies: from solar ability systems, solar batteries, do-it-yourself solar panels and do-it yourself solar baptize boiler plans, etc.

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