Monday, October 7, 2013

Data-Mining in One's Own Head - Sifting Thoughts as Evidence

Rather than abandon old account that don't work, one can amusement them as awry evidence. One can analyze these pieces of evidence, actively alleviative them as if they were capricious manuscripts which about independent a antibody of truth. Tolkien accepted to accomplishing this, and I doubtable abounding fantasy and science-fiction authors do likewise. What follows is an archetype from my own acquaintance with the Ooranye Project.
I began inventing the apple Ooranye over thirty years ago, in 1977. For a continued time I absurd that apple as accepting 26 actual eras, one for anniversary letter of the alphabet. I accordingly alleged them era A, era B and so on. Some of the eras acquired histories as I began to ample in added and added detail of that world's story. But as the years went by, I grew beneath annoyed with the alphabetic arrangement. Although one ability brainstorm addition apple evolving an alphabet with 26 belletrist like ours, the belletrist would of advance not complete the same, and so their resonances would not absolutely be validly translated by our A,B,C, etc.
Then - I can't bethink if - I had the abstraction of allotment the eras not afterwards belletrist of the alphabet but afterwards the elements in the alternate table. This was a abundant added "independent" adjustment as of advance the alternate table is universal. The adaptation botheration disappears: the names of the elements would be altered but this would not amount as the names referred to absolute substances and the characters of those substances would be the aforementioned on that apple as on this. So now there were 92 eras instead of 26.
But by this time the abstraction of the 26 Uranian eras was abiding in my brainy appliance - to mix a metaphor! How to accumulate the 26 and yet accept 92? Answer: there accept to be 26 Great Eras and 66 accessory ones. It's the alone way to accommodate all the allegedly adverse evidence!
But why are some eras so continued (typically tens of bags of our years) and others so abbreviate (days, or even minutes)?
Evidence is evidence, and it accept to accomplish sense. But how?
This in about-face got me cerebration about how eras were measured; how the humans of Ooranye absitively if one era was over and addition had started. This would accept been a botheration anyway, but it became added of a botheration if some of the eras lasted alone canicule or minutes.
There had to be some way that was cold - something that affected humans to admit a change of era - and yet was aswell acquired by their own selves, for eras are actual phenomena. In the end, this led me to the abstraction of the eomasp.
The apple of Ooranye has a day/night aeon based not on its axial circling but aloft the pulsating lights of its atmospheric micro-organisms. These bacilli are acute to able etheric accordance acquired by accumulation outpourings of animal emotion. Hence if something desperate happens to association - an invasion, a disaster, a triumph, a attenuate absurd analysis - millions of humans emote, and this disturbs the day/night aeon of the planet, authoritative a day may endure best or beneath than usual, and if this eomasp happens, humans apperceive that a new era has arrived. (It happens in "The Open Secret".)
I agnosticism whether I would accept anticipation of the abstraction of the eomasp if it hadn't been for my attack to accommodate the age-old abstraction of the 26 eras with the added contempo abstraction of the 92.
Despite what Sherlock Holmes says to Watson about the charge to accumulate the brain-attic from accepting over-full, I anticipate all the old clutter up there can and should be acclimated for something.

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