Sunday, November 3, 2013

My Theory on Spirits of the Paranormal

"One affair I accept abstruse in a continued life; that all our science abstinent adjoin absoluteness is archaic and adolescent like - yet, it is the a lot of adored affair we have"
-- Albert Einstein
I put the adduce aloft by Albert Einstein to allegorize some things about disregarded in the abstruse field. The absoluteness to the apple about us is actual all-inclusive and our science can not explain actual abundant of it today. If we attending at alcohol and the airy side, it is simple to see why science can alone go so far at audition and acknowledgment it.
I feel science is important out there in the abstruse field. Some theories out there can be understood, explained, or discounted just alive some science. So here, I will attack to put what science you allegation out there to understand. This is just about the alone way to accept my own approach that I have, that came to me by my own abutting ability and acquaintance with spirits.
This is an attack to for those absorbed to accord you a accessible appearance of what is in fact accident with the use of Science and Airy abutting knowledge. This is accounting for a advertence and not meant for you to bethink all the details, but, to advise some concepts to possibly accept added about the airy apple and what could in fact be happening.
Everything in Our Apple is Energy
E=mc² is Einstein's approach of relativity from 1905. Yes, it has been about absolutely some time. What does this mean? Do not worry, I am not traveling to go into the absolute amplitude of what this means. But, just abundant to point out some of it's implications that would affair the science to accept what alcohol ability or ability not be.
This little blueprint says absolutely a lot and goes far aloft what I will altercate here. But, it does say this; "Energy equals matter" (energy equals accumulation (of matter) times the acceleration of ablaze squared). This means, all life, all things are fabricated up of energy. Amount is energy, but, in a altered form.
All things including the air we breathe, the items in your house, you and me, aggregate you see about you is fabricated up of matter. The aboriginal molecules of amount are atoms. Anniversary atom has electrons, protons and neutrons. Electrons are abnormally charged. Protons are absolutely charged. Neutrons are neutrally charged. Meaning, atoms are about energy.
Now, you do not accept to bethink all this. There is no analysis at the end. You alone accept to apprehend it and butt the abstraction that atoms are about energy. Therefore all amount is energy, just in a altered form.
So if we say; "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed." that refers to amount as well. Our apple is energy. That is reality. For an example; ablaze a match. Accept you just created energy? Not really. The activity is already there, just in a altered anatomy presented in atoms of what makes up the bout afore it is lit and changes if the bout is lit. You can see how this approach of activity applies to amount as well.
5 States of Amount Currently Accepted By Science
1. Bose-Einstein Condensates
2. Solids
3. Liquids
4. Gases
5. Plasmas
These are the 5 states of amount currently accepted by science. They are in adjustment of how abutting the molecules or atoms are to anniversary other. The aboriginal one (Condensates) accept the atoms abutting together. The endure (Plasma) accept the atoms extreme apart.
Do not affair yourself with the aboriginal accompaniment of amount (Condensates), as it doesn't administer at all to what I am discussing here. I will leave the altercation of what they are out, as to not abash you. I alone account Condensates here, to appearance there are in fact 5 states of amount accepted to science today.
Our absolute apple consists of amount in the states listed above. (Well, there may be added that science does not apperceive of yet.) I accept a lot of bodies will be accustomed with Solid, Liquid and Gas states of matter.
So I will skip acknowledgment them here. However, Claret will be discussed later.
Charge and No Allegation - What is energy?
Atoms are usually counterbalanced out by absolute and abrogating charges. This is because they accept the aforementioned amount of protons (positive charges) and electrons (negative charges). So, unless an electron or proton is missing, you accept a aloof charge. That's because the electrons and protons abolish themselves out and are a aloof charge. A section of metal for instance would accept a aloof allegation and be ephemeral to an electro alluring acreage detector (EMF detector).
Plasma however, is absolutely charged. You can acquisition claret in beaming lights, lightening, neon lights and in claret balls. The atoms are added afar than gas. The added types amount listed are neutral. Amount can become charged, like electricity in base or fiber in a ablaze bulb. If there is a charge, whether absolute or negative, it is referred to as an electrical charge. This is about what bodies accredit to as activity and will be best up by an EMF detector.
What is an EMF?
EMF stands for electromagnetic field. It is a acreage of answerable particles. You could aswell alarm it an activity field. Electricity and allure go calm and are synonymous. The activity acreage could be so ample it encircles the apple or actual small.
These activity fields can be created by by itself occurring substances such as copper, iron, limestone, chalk, alkali and baptize or any aggregate of these things and a part of added elements and substances. If you add a baptize antecedent and abnormally a affective baptize antecedent such as a river or stream, it increases the EMF's. It is important to apperceive what is about a website afore demography EMF readings for this reason. If you add clamminess and added by itself occurring factors, it could aswell access the likeliness of an EMF.
Iron and chestnut are acceptable conductors and blot activity from the surrounding ambiance and earth. In areas breadth there are abundant deposits of these minerals you will see top EMF's, such as, areas breadth there are adamant mines. These are areas breadth EMF detectors are traveling to aces up EMF's easily. Baseline readings are not traveling to advice in this situation. EMF's can move and alter in these areas. So readings no amount if taken will not prove or belie alcohol existence.
Limestone and book plan abundant like batteries in a way. They blot and adhere assimilate the activity of the ambiance and earth. Limestone tends to be actual accessible in accouterment the apple with activity for copse and new bulb activity during the bounce for this reason. Book is even a bigger activity cushion than limestone. Limestone is begin in adhesive and adhesive bricks. Even bodies and animals accept EMF's surrounding them. Even guinea pigs could register. This is not a section of accessories I alone use. I put this advice actuality so that bodies accept this advice if they adjudge to use one and they will apperceive what to attending for.
My Approach on Spirits:
We don't absolutely accept the acknowledgment to what they are for sure. There is no way to analysis this approach at this time. Nor, do I anticipate it will be accessible for absolutely some time. But, actuality is my theory.
Given that EMF (electro alluring field) detectors do not consistently aces up the attendance of a spirit, one would accept to achieve that if they were a answerable activity like electricity, we would be able to ascertain them all the time. We apperceive that is not the case. So, alcohol should be a aloof allegation with all the electrons and protons in the molecules acclimation the accuse of absolute and abrogating accuse abundant like a section of artificial or metal would be. So, alcohol would be a accompaniment of amount that is neutrally charged. Which if they were, it would accomplish alcohol about absurd to aces up application an EMF detector.
Even bodies are apparent with EMF detectors. We are like a apparatus breadth our bodies are bearing activity and demography in activity all the time. All active things accept some activity they emit.
So, what are the EMF detectors acrimonious up?
OK, cardinal out by itself occurring electro alluring fields from iron, copper, limestone and a host of added elements that can actualize electro alluring fields on their own, I accept what they aces up is not the spirit, but, the breadth that the accumulation of amount that a spirit is, affects. This would be in the abstraction of changeless electricity.
This would explain why EMF detectors do not consistently aces up a attendance if there are adventures at a website breadth bodies accept no agnosticism of a airy presence. But, sometimes do aces up something on some occasions. It would aswell explain clashing readings and not accepting constant readings.
When amount attempts to absorb the aforementioned amplitude it can could could could cause a abrasion or accelerated movement of the atoms in the surrounding breadth that accomplish up the air. Abundant like walking beyond a carpeting with socks and you get a shock from affecting a doorknob. The movement of the accumulation into the area, (especially al of a sudden or if there is added than one mass) would could could could cause all the atoms of the atmosphere of the air and breadth to move and drove the molecules adjoin anniversary added into a abate space, advancing the electrons in the atoms that accomplish up the area. This would could could could cause an electromagnetic acreage (energy).
Which means, what is detected by an EMF detector, is the breadth afflicted by the spirit, not the spirit itself.
Plasma is Close, but, not Absolutely Right
Plasma has abounding backdrop that are abutting to what a spirit is. Claret can go through solid objects. How? This happens because the molecules to claret are added apart. Because they are, it can go through the amplitude of the atoms in a solid object. So casual through bankrupt doors, walls or added altar is possible.
Plasma aswell has an alien skin, abundant like a force acreage that keeps it together. The atoms can break calm in a adamant article abundant like alarming a bubble. You see this abnormality in claret assurance (not the lights you buy at Halloween).
They are aswell accepted as prairie lights. The botheration with claret is that it is actual hot. (Think of lightening.) We apperceive this is not the case with spirits. Claret is aswell absolutely answerable and will affect the breadth and actualize electromagnetic fields and should be apparent all the time. So you see the few problems with cerebration alcohol are plasma. It just does not plan out fully.
If we anticipate of alcohol getting a 6th accompaniment of matter, which is not yet accepted by science, it makes absolute sense. Not alone would it be of no charge, but, has abounding of the characteristics of claret that acquiesce it to go into or canyon through solid objects. If this amount had a derma like plasma, it would apparently be abundant like an orb that so abounding bodies yield pictures of. It would beggarly that it could advance as a adamant accumulation of matter, abundant like we are.
It could change appearance and alluvion like a gas or go through solid objects. But, can aswell transform. After all, this would be a accumulation that had intelligence abundant like us. It's just a altered accompaniment of amount that we can not detect, abundant like the air we breathe that we apperceive is there, but can not see. And, that is gas, not a accumulation that has the molecules even added apart.
What about the Algid Spots?
Cold is the absence of activity (think of alien space). We apperceive from abounding letters of alcohol and my own adventures that alcohol can dispense activity about them. They can aswell move altar and things. So, not alone could you be activity the spirit themselves (cold spots), but, ability be activity the abetment of that energy.
If a spirit is 'energy' again there would not aswell be a algid atom at the aforementioned spot. With all I've witnessed the algid atom is getting best up in an breadth not absolutely the aforementioned atom as the EMF detector reading. Thus acknowledging that the activity is the breadth afflicted by the spirit, not the spirit itself, and the algid atom would be the accumulation that we alarm a spirit.
I address this to allotment with you my thoughts and abutting ability I received.

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