Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Reverse Theory of Space-Time (What If Everything Was REALLY Relative?)

Let's alpha a bit slowly, from what we know.
Looking outwards into space, we not alone see distance, we aswell see time. Ablaze emitted from added abroad regions in amplitude takes best to ability us; a brilliant anchored at a ambit of four ablaze years bathes us with the ablaze it emitted four years ago. The ablaze of a brilliant anchored a actor ablaze years abroad will do the same, assuming us the brilliant as it was a actor years ago. If we attending abundantly far, we will run into a bank of bake radiation, anchored about fourteen billion ablaze years away, fourteen billion years ago. The aboriginal moments of our universe's birth, the Big Bang.
Here is the aboriginal odd bit: instead of seeing this bake radiation in a individual focused area, as we ability apprehend to see a abundant abate universe, continued afore its abundant expansion, this bank of radiation is all about us, we can aces it up no bulk area we point our radio telescopes. How is this possible?
The acknowledgment is, it acutely isn't. Not in a cosmos area spatial ambit run linearly. But in a cosmos area amplitude is curved, it becomes possible. I don't anticipate I would be able to explain this after a bit of simplification, the folds of amplitude getting in the fourth ambit and such, so for the account of accuracy (and brainy sanity) I'll advisedly trim it down by one and accord with a two-dimensional surface. As I said, this apparent is curved, brainstorm you could aces its corners up like a handkerchief and authority it up in a tear-drop shape. As you can see our two-dimensional apparent occupies three ambit now, it would yield up four if I hadn't simplified it.
Now that we accept our tear-drop shaped universe, we can brainstorm ourselves active about on the annular basal of it, maybe as a tiny atom of dust bent in the fabric. Visible ablaze acceptance to this cosmos would aswell be bent in the bolt and chase it as it curves about and up. As a result, everywhere we look, our boring would accordingly be arced arise the tip at the top, which to us would arise to be all about us. If the tip is the centermost of this universe, we would be searching arise it no bulk what administration we are facing. This is absolutely what we see with our radio telescopes.
Now actuality comes the catchy part, buck with me a little longer.
Given this to be the accepted bearings then, as we aggrandize abroad from the centermost we are affective in the adverse administration to our "surrounding" center. I'm absolutely cerebration four ambit now but you can brainstorm this administration of amplification to be a affectionate of "inwards" against to area the centermost is: "outwards". What is our acceleration of expansion? Well, abundance is a agrarian assumption but I doubtable we are affective abroad from the centermost at absolutely 299792458 meters per second: the acceleration of light.
As a aftereffect of the circuitous geometry of this universe, no bulk what administration we move in, except "inwards" we will do annihilation but apathetic down a little as we arch aback arise the centermost of the cosmos which is the ultimate destination no bulk what three-dimensional avenue you take. All is relative, to us our present action appears to be anchored the aforementioned way a bottle of baptize charcoal abiding on a dispatch train. My about-face approach appropriately has little aftereffect on our applied circadian life, but it straightens out a few things from a concrete point of view.
First of all, the a lot of accessible change is that the accepted acceleration absolute of C now becomes the acceleration we charge to ability to apathetic aback down to 0, which is about aloof because with this about-face point of view, time and acceleration are not inversely proportional, to apathetic down in acceleration (as we try to ability 0) would apathetic down time as well, never acceptance us to ability absolute stillness.
Another absorbing affair we ability notice, as a aftereffect of this about-face theory, is that force and the associated warping of time, are added calmly explained, as the accretion continuum drags beyond masses, warping in porportion to the bulk of bulk it accept to tug along. The continuum about ample masses is slowed down, appropriately time slows down too. Added masses bent in this space-time abasement will aswell tend to apathetic down and abatement arise the beyond mass.
In the aforementioned way, the faster we try to move (from our point of view) the added activity we crave as we are met with the countering force of the accretion bolt of space. Stopping absolutely would crave absolute activity and aftermath absolute mass, (a baby ancillary note: we should at this point accept that the appellation "infinite" charcoal bedfast to this universe, and should be apprehend as "the amount of activity and accumulation if absolutely still": To ability absolute calmness would crave all the accumulation and activity of this universe, and would finer accommodate the agency to atom up a new big bang)
A simple abstract agreement to prove this:
We are accretion "inwards", four-dimensionally speaking. Therefore annihilation extensive absolute calmness and best activity would be seen, from our point of view, as something affective "outwards" in all admonition at the about acceleration of C. This something would accept absolute accumulation unless it were, somehow, able of bottomward through the bolt of amplitude after tugging at its strings. This something would aswell be timeless, getting still it would never abide the furnishings of time appropriately getting able to cantankerous the amplitude of amplitude after anytime corrupt as added accepted particles do.
Lucky for me this something happens to exist, we alarm it "light" and it does absolutely what I wrote above.
Far from aggravating to present somebody else's account as my own, I am absolutely blind of any added about-face approach set down in these terms. If there is I humbly apologize with the applicable author. I assert on the actuality that this theory, as can be apparent from its abridgement of algebraic and accurate agreeable aloft that of the accepted layman, is absolutely the artefact of my calefaction oppress'd brain. If you ambition to altercate my theory, breach it apart, accord me a Nobel or patiently explain to me why I'm absolutely mistaken, and if your name is Michio Kaku or Stephen Hawking feel chargeless to acquaintance me via Facebook.:)

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